Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Which Business Can be a Billionaire?

Which Business Can be a Billion Dollar Business?

People ask me that, Which are the Billion Dollar Business Ideas? They ask me that, Which are the Business ideas that make its owners Billionaires?

Well, The answer is – Any Business can be a Billion Dollar Business.

Yes, Believe me. Any Business in this world can be a Billion Dollar Business. This is because to become a Billionaire or develop a Billion dollar business, you don’t necessarily have to find out some extra ordinary business idea. A Billion Dollar is a game of valuations.

To convert any business into a Billion Dollar Business, you have to make it Giant. You have to take that Business to the Public. You have to sell the partial ownership of the Business to the public and make it publically listed Business.

All the Billion Dollar Businesses are publicly listed businesses. Billion Dollar is a game of creating new wealth in the economy. So if you want to develop a Billion Dollar Business, focus on taking your Business to the public from the very first day.

Billionaires have focused on taking their Businesses to the public from very first day of starting a business and that’s why they are billionaires today.


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