
The Baucus Drunken Tirade: AT (Alter)
Charter Schools: GOP Must Crush Democrats on This Issue: RedState
Black Panther case: Has a head rolled?: Freddoso
The Danger of Distraction: Doc Zero
Leftists Cheer Knife-Wielding Extremist: AmPow
Napolitano Must Go — Now: Riehl
Obama's Second Major Terror Failure in Two Months: AT (Lewis)
The Most Important Civil Right of All: Pruden
Captain Janet has turned on the Fasten Seatbelts sign: CFB
Dodd (D-CT) nixed TSA funding for pet project: WashExam
How Dr. Anna Chacko Played Congressman: Provocateur
Trial Lawyers Poised to Sue Society Into Stone Age: STACLUAt last, the Chart is productized: Innocent
Obama to reinflate housing bubble: WashExam
Getting to the Bottom of the Keith Gladney Firing: BMW
'Everyone must sacrifice... but we'll be in Hawaii: GWP
Climate & Energy
God weighs in on Climategate: GayPatriotMedia
Dodd's Truth to Power Moment: RiehlCouric Thinks Your Anger is Disrespectful: WBK
L.A. Times Fails to Correct Slander Against James O’Keefe: Patterico
Top 10 Conservatives of 2009: RWN
Obama at 10:10am: I Shall Not Rest Until These Terrorists Are Captured; Obama at 10:40am: Fore!: Ace
It's all yours, Madame Secretary: Grand Rants
The Left's Blind Eye to the Obvious: AT (Cashill)
Yesterday's Newsrooms: Liberals Begetting Liberals : WSJ
Obama and the Declaration: Opposing Views
Iran arrests 1,000 as protests strengthen: TimesIsrael says conventional bomb cannot destroy Iran's nuclear facility: Xinhua
One more piece to the puzzle of Obama's past: NoisyRoom
Friedman's Utopian Communist Economy Poisons Thousands of Children, Sowing Anger: Cobb
Iran in chaotic crackdown on opponents: Maktoob
We are still not serious about this fight: Ghost of a Flea
Iranian body snatchers at work:Ledeen
Giving into Sharia aggravates radical Islam: Hamid
What is going on in Iran, then?: Gawker
Khameini's plan to escape to Russia?: GWP
50 Things Successful People Have in Common: DewViewGSM crypto code cracked, engineer says: CNet
The 6 Most Badass Skills You Can Learn in Under a Week: CrackedRubber-necking: Leslie's Omnibus
The JFK Photo That Could Have Changed History: TMZ
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