It was like pulling teeth, but G-d and Jerusalem are back in the Democratic platform. They put it to a voice vote that some said the nays actually won.
[Ed.: Actually, Buzzfeed described it as "chaos"]., September 05, 2012Democrats restore references to God, Jerusalem in platform
The Democratic Party has restored references in its official platform to "God" and to Jerusalem as the recognized capital of Israel.
The move comes after some had complained that the platform approved Tuesday omitted those references, which were included in the 2008 platform.
Many in the audience booed after the convention chairman, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, ruled that the amendments had been approved despite the fact that a large group of delegates objected.
He called for a vote three times before ruling.
The Democrat Convention appears to be melting down right before our eyes. Yesterday, it was DNC Chairman-woman-person Dee Wasserman Snider getting caught in yet another blatant lie.
Then Little Dick Durbin threw a temper tantrum when asked in simple English why God and Jerusalem had been ripped from prior platforms.
I'm predicting, here and now, that Bill Clinton will be accompanied onstage by an empty chair representing the Gingrich-Kasich budget surplus for which Democrats always try to take credit.
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