Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Democrat National Convention Downgraded to a Conven.

Like America's credit rating, the Democrat National Convention appears to have suffered multiple downgrades.

Obama DNC Speech Downgraded From 75,000 to 15,000 Seat Arena:

The DNC just moved their final night from the 75,000 seat Bank of America Panther Stadium to the 15,000 seat basketball arena...

...A FOX News analyst just said it was because they could not fill the stadium. “They were scrambling to fill a large majority of the stadium.”

Michelle Obama gets 400,000 fewer viewers than Ann Romney:

[Michelle Obama] gave a strong performance, but, unfortunately for the Democrats, not many people saw it. Overall, the speech attracted around 11 million viewers on the three broadcast networks. That's about 400,000 fewer viewers than watched Ann Romney's speech. But, the really bad news for Obama is the massive drop in viewers from 2008.

NBC won the coverage, as it did for the RNC last week. But, its viewership was down 24% from '08. For its RNC coverage on the first night, viewership was actually 8% higher than '08. CBS and ABC have even starker declines, dropping 45% and 38% respectively, compared to '08. Their coverage of the RNC was down also, but a more modest 25% and 38% from '08.

In all fairness, many Republicans tuned into the DNC for sheer entertainment value alone, kind of like the car wreck you can't look away from.


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