Saturday, September 1, 2012

Not an omen: Storm washes away portion of giant Obama sand sculpture at site of Democrat convention

If you're a drone committed Democrat, please don't panic. All is well! All is well!

A torrential downpour that struck Charlotte Saturday afternoon damaged the Mount Rushmore-style sand sculpture bust of President Obama — an ominous beginning to what many fear is a plagued convention.

The sand sculpture was protected from above, and Mr. Obama's face didn't see too much damage. But the storm was so strong that its heavy winds blew the rain sideways, pelting the president's right side and leaving the sand pockmarked and completely erasing his right elbow.

Democrats' choice of Charlotte has drawn criticism from unions who don't like North Carolina's labor laws, and the state seems to be tilting away from Democrats politically.

Very sad.

Some of the enhancements I proposed to the Obama sculpture, I fear, will never come to pass.

Hat tip: BadBlue News.


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