Saturday, September 1, 2012

Completely clueless MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry believes America is the worst country on Earth...

Her exact quote: What in the world is riskier than being a poor person in America?:

“What is riskier than living poor in America? Seriously! What in the world is riskier than being a poor person in America? I live in a neighborhood where people are shot on my street corner. I live in a neighborhood where people have to figure out how to get their kid into school because maybe it will be a good school and maybe it won’t. I am sick of the idea that being wealthy is risky. No! …Being poor is what is risky!

We have to create a safety net for poor people. And when we won’t, because they happen to look different from us, it is the pervasive ugliness.

Never mind that the country has spent tens of trillions of dollars on Melissa's "Great Society", Section-8 plantations. Never mind that the U.S. has to borrow 40 cents of every dollar it spends. And never mind that Democrats have refused to pass a budget ever since Barack Obama took office.

Never mind all that. Simply consider the lunacy of this MSNBC crackpot.

In Pakistan, women are murdered or disfigured for failing to wear the Niqab (full body covering).

Yesterday, the Pakistani unit of the Taliban announced not only that it demands “unislamic” businesses to close (CD shops, cable service providers and internet cafes) - they also warned women that they have 15 days to start wearing hijab - or have their faces maimed with acid... These guys claim to be out to destroy the “traitors of Allah” - while they go against every Qur’anic command to respect human rights.

...Now, an acid-maiming campaign is being launched - openly - against Pakistani women. Unlike when communities have been taken by surprise, the Pakistani Taliban has stated their gruesome, disgusting mission publicly. We cannot claim shock this time around.

• In India, acid is thrown on women's faces for failing to cover up:

UNICEF once reported a story about a baby girl whose father poured acid into her mouth because she was not the boy he wanted his wife to bring into the world. She grew up unable to speak or hear...

...Despite his years of training, [Doctor] Jawad admits that he was shocked, "I had not seen anything like it before. I had seen bigger burns and on a younger patient, but never facial burns of this nature. Unless acid is neutralised it just keeps going deeper and deeper into your skin. All of the patients I had treated had been the victims of accidents – this was attempted murder." In a pioneering operation, Jawad used Matriderm – a synthetic skin substitute – to re-form her face. It had such impressive results that Piper referred to the surgeon as her "hero".

Consider Harris-Perry reason #5,034 never, ever to watch MSLSD.

She knows nothing of logic, or reason, or of world history, or of the default condition of human-kind. She's never learned philosophy or economics. She has no idea how precious and fragile America is. She's never had to balance a budget. She's never visited the Sudan, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Cuba, or the old Soviet Union.

She is a lifelong Democrat and a simpleton. But I repeat myself.

Vote accordingly in November.


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