Sunday, December 5, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Reminder for the class-warfare Marxists--who the rich are

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


Reminder for the class-warfare Marxists: who the rich are: Malkin
GOP must use Congressional Review Act to oppose Obama: WashExam
Multiculturalism Hits The Wall: AT

Let's You and Him Fight: Wizbang
Government Workers Ordered Not to Read Wikileaks Cables: WZ
Harry Reid Lassos the Moon: Ruby Slippers


Fiscal panel blew chance to tell whole truth: Tapscott
The Moment of Truth: Ruby Slippers
'Obama spent millions of taxpayer dollars on misleading propaganda': Fitton

Stealth Tax Increase Fails: RedState
How High Does Unemployment Have to Go?: Malkin
Deny Congress FICA Payroll Tax in the General Fund: AT

Public pensions and your right to know: Freddoso
Flatlining: Pundette
Governor-Elect Nikki Haley To Obama: We Want Our Money Back: GWP

Climate & Energy

Poor Countries Whine: We're Excluded From Cancun Climate Talks: RWN
Global Warming Update: Blizzard Traps 7 in UK Pub for Over a Week: Malkin
Somebody invented the Goremotivator…and I wasn’t informed?: RWN


Fox Guest Threatened for Opposing Dream Act Amnesty: Moonbattery
Making Sense of Barney Frank’s Return to Power: PJM
More Obama-Bashing From Frank Rich: JOM

The Death of Modern Liberal Feminism (And its Rebirth in the Conservative Movement): AT
Leonard Pitts Jr: Voting against Sharia Law is un-American: BlogProf
Audio: Transformational Utopia: Moonbattery

History According To Hollywood: Belmont Club
Crying Foul on 'Fair Game': Ruby Slippers
End Of Combative Operations: Crittenden


Political Correctness Kills: Study Shows How Terrorists Infiltrate U.S. Government: BRubin
Unreal: Rep. Jim Moran (D-France) Says Afghan War is “Unwinnable”: WZ
WikiLeaks Cables Reveal Unease Over Mexican Drug War: RWN

Marxist Actor Danny Glover Staring in New Islamist Propaganda Movie: WZ
Sexist Racist Hate Group Exposed: RSM
Brazil recognises Palestine 1967 borders: Maktoob


Speak-er -- the most awesome set of desk speakers this planet has ever known: Engadget
Google elevates PDF reading in Chrome 8: CNet
Lightning fast won't come cheap with Verizon's 4G: Seattle Times


Must See!… Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, “Hallelujah Chorus”: GWP
'They Killed Richie': iOTW
You Wouldn’t Find This Headline In Any American Newspaper: Chequerboard

Image: iOwnTheWorld
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Diogenes' Middle Finger

QOTD: "Has the U.S. Supreme Court construed the Commerce Clause so permissively that Congress has seized, by increments, a sweeping police power that enables it to do virtually anything it wants?

Willett’s words, applied to the ObamaCare mandate debate, highlight this question: When does judicial deference to legislative majorities become dereliction of the judicial duty to discern limits to what majorities are lawfully permitted to do?" -- George Will


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