Sunday, December 5, 2010

Howard Dean Admits the Truth About Progressives: Overthrow of the U.S. Government Is Our Aim

It doesn't get any more plain than this interview with Howard Dean, former presidential candidate and chairman of the Democrat National Committee.

We almost came back in New Hampshire, Karen Hicks, who ran Hillary’s campaign, she’s a disciple of Marshall Ganz who’s a disciple of Saul Alinksy, Marshall Ganz is probably the best theoretical organizer today, he influenced Obama’s campaign very heavily...

Whether you know who Saul Alinsky is -- and what he stands for -- or not, Andrew McCarthy's description of his movement and its impact upon Obama bears repeating.

...the president is an Alinskyite, so steeped in the ideology of the seminal community organizer that he became a top instructor in Alinskyite tactics for other up-and-coming radicals...

...Alinksyites are fifth-column radicals. They have, in substance, the same goals as open revolutionaries: overthrowing the existing free-market republic and replacing it with a radical’s utopia. That’s why Obama could befriend such unrepentant former terrorists as Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, and take inspiration from Jeremiah Wright, a black-liberation theologist...

...But Alinskyites are more sophisticated, patient, and practical. They bore in, hollowing out the system from within, appropriating the appearance and argot of mainstream society. Their single, animating ambition is to overthrow the capitalist social order, which they claim to see as racist, corrupt, exploitative, imperialist, etc...

...Apart from that goal, everything else — from the public option to Afghanistan — is negotiable: They reserve the right to take any position on any matter, to say anything at any time, based on the ebb and flow of popular opinion. That keeps them politically viable while they radically transform society. Transform it into what, they haven’t worked out in great detail — except that it will be perfect, communal, equal, and just.

Alinsky proposed a variety of methods that radicals could use to tear American society apart. Violence was part of his equation.

Society has good reason to fear the Radical. Every shaking advance of mankind toward equality and justice has come from the Radical. He hits, he hurts, he is dangerous. Conservative interests know that while Liberals are most adept at breaking their own necks with their tongues, Radicals are most adept at breaking the necks of Conservatives...

...Radicals precipitate the social crisis by action - by using power... The Radical recognizes that constant dissension and conflict is and has been the fire under the boiler of democracy. He firmly believes in that brave saying of a brave people, "Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!" ...

The Radical may resort to the sword but when he does he is not filled with hatred against those individuals whom he attacks. He hates these individuals not as persons but as symbols representing ideas or interests which he believes to be inimical to the welfare of the people... That is the reason why Radicals, although frequently embarking upon revolutions, have rarely resorted to personal terrorism"...

In short, Alinsky supported violence and terror to achieve the overthrow of American society.

And any person who runs under the banner of Alinsky should be disqualified from holding public office. They should be called precisely what they are: Communists.

There is no possible way that an adherent of Alinsky can sincerely take a pledge to uphold the Constitution.

Let me say that again, slowly, for the liberals: there is no valid method -- none whatsoever! -- for an Alinskyite to take a solemn oath to uphold the nation's highest law.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact. Allowing Alinskyites into positions of power is akin to permitting Nikita Khrushchev to name members of the cabinet during the height of the Cold War.

We need to call them what they are: Reds.

Update: Letter to America.

Hat tips: The Blaze and Naked Emperor News.


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