Best Balanced Mutual Funds in India
Balanced mutual funds are basically hybrid mutual funds means they invest both in equity and debt in different proportions. If you want a growth of your capital as well as safety than go for the balanced funds.
I personally divide balanced/hybrid mutual funds into following categories according to their equity:Debt allocation.
01) Equity Oriented (Equity: Debt allocation – 70:30)
02) Debt oriented Aggressive (Equity Debt – 50-60: 40-50)
03) Debt oriented Conservative (Equity: Debt allocation – 30:70)
04) Arbitrage
Well, arbitrage funds are basically the kind of hybrid/balanced mutual funds which invest both in equity and debt in different proportions. The only difference is that, they take the advantage of various arbitrage opportunities that generate in the stock and other financial markets.
So here are the Top 5 balanced funds in each of the above category.
Best Balanced Funds: Equity Oriented
01) UTI CCP Advantage
02) HDFC Balanced
03) HDFC Prudence
04) Birla Sun Life 95
05) DSPBR Balanced
Best Debt Oriented Conservative hybrid funds
01) Escorts Income Bond
02) Reliance MIP
03) HDFC MIP Long Term
04) L&T MIP
05) HDFC Multiple Yield
Best Debt Oriented Aggressive Balanced Funds
01) FT India Life Stage FoF 40s
02) Birla SunLife Asset Allocation Moderate
03) UTI CCP Balanced
04) TATA Young Citizens
05) UTI Retirement benefit pension
Best Arbitrage Funds
02) HDFC Arbitrage Wholesale
03) Kotak Equity Arbitrage
04) JM Arbitrage Advantage
05) SBI Arbitrage Opportunities
Thus, the above are my all time favourite balanced mutual funds. Go for them according to your risk appetite.
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