Friday, November 12, 2010

The New Economy – More than one job, more than one income

The New Economy- More than one job, more than one income

The old style office job is well and truly on the way out. It's a dinosaur, and it's about to go extinct within one generation. The New Economy business models are systematically obliterating the old-style office jobs. Whether you’re in car insurance, taxidermy or mass media, in future it's very unlikely that there will even be an office to go to.

In the past, a place of business was a centralised location which served the relatively efficient purpose of putting people, business and customers together. That sort of workplace is no longer necessary, and more to the point it is also becoming incredibly expensive to operate business in that way. New Economy businesses typically contain a core business unit, and outsource as much as possible of their service and production functions, which by definition saves them a very large amount of money every day.

This form of outsourcing is also particularly good in terms of employment options for the people doing the actual work. With this kind of business model, outsourcers can operate multiple contracts for multiple employers from around the world. That means that they have multiple income streams and don't suffer from the oppressive dependency on a single income stream which is so stressful so many people.

The old-style jobs are looking increasingly primitive, but so are the old-style businesses. Most of these businesses carry enormous overheads simply because they maintain an office. Simply having an office in a modern city is now the equivalent of throwing large amounts of money out the window. It's uneconomic, and many business consultants would call it irrational and unjustifiable to spend such huge amounts of money simply for the privilege of having an office in the city.

The situation would be almost quaint, if it weren't for the fact that these old-style businesses are also unprofitable, and are therefore shedding jobs at an enormous rate and doing serious damage to the global economy in the process. The old business models have absolutely no hope of competing with the New Economy models and are losing market share at an almost unbelievable rate.

Jobs go where the money goes

The New Economy businesses are quite literally booming, even in the worst recession since the Great Depression. These businesses can run on the smell of a few dollars, and because they need external services, they generate a lot of employment for many people. It's quite common for people to gravitate out of the old-style workplace into the new, and never return.

The result is that the traditional job market is now effectively dead. People having marketable skills don't sit around waiting for job applications to emerge out of thin air. They get on the phone, they check out their niche markets, and they develop business networks for themselves.

Whatever your profession, do yourself a favour – Check out the new economy job possibilities in your area. You’ll make more money, and you’ll reduce your stress levels by multiples.


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