Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Feature-slash-Tech Nerd Update: Easily Scroll Back Through Old Posts

Since this blog debuted in January of 1956, readers have asked why they can't easily scroll through old posts. You may recall that some blogs -- those with competent designers -- have "previous" and "next" buttons that allow a casual reader to navigate to newer or older posts.

This blog has never had such an advanced feature. I'll be blunt, I've been lazy. I use the classic Blogger template. That older template did not support the "previous" and "next" features -- and I'd never mustered the energy to learn the new templating language. The toll for said laziness was the lack of a "scroll backwards" feature.

Well, I remain too lazy to learn the new templating format, but I did spend an hour or so earlier this evening writing Javascript that provides the same feature.

You'll notice at the top right of the screen -- and at the bottom of each page -- is a new link captioned Scroll Back 10 Posts > >.

Each link allows you to navigate back in time to what I believe will be the ten prior posts, in sequential order.

And if anyone is interested in adding this feature to their classic blogger template, make a request in the comments. I'll post the code and instructions for adding it. And, with some training and a bit of dedication, I can teach you to be a complete loser like me.


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