Contractors billed New Jersey $27 for light bulbs, and ran up tens of thousands of dollars in other “unreasonable costs” on a $119 million weatherization program funded with U.S. stimulus money, the state auditor said...
Out of $613,600 in charges reviewed, $54,000, or 8.8 percent, was deemed unreasonable by [the] Auditor...
...About $5 billion in stimulus funds were provided to the weatherization program, according to the Energy Department’s website...
Yes, it's true: the Democrats can't even run a weatherization program without rampant fraud.
Say, wasn't Joe "The Genius" Biden supposed to be watching over this program with his hawk-like attention to detail?
Really, don't fret, folks: I'm sure nothing can go wrong with the Democrats' plans to nationalize one-sixth of the economy. Really -- it's only your health care, after all.
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