
Love the Warriors: Doc Zero
Southers: less than forthcoming all around: Power Line
The Joke's On Us: Steyn
Why the Health Care Bills are Unconstitutional: AT
INTERPOL immunity: the story that won't go away: Examiner
History is Knocking for Obama: AT (Lewis)
The Fractured Fairy Tales of the Left: OneCos
Charlie Crist Flees Tallahassee: Tackett
Mission Accomplished: Wizbang
We're in the best of hands: Wizbang
White House briefed in October on undie bombs: Patterico
It's official: Obama is the unemployment champion: GWPMichigan tries to force unionize-private babysitters: BlogProf
NH roofer wears down attackers: Diana Vice
More Americans Relying on Food Stamps: Patterico
Mortgage mods have done more harm than good: Insider
Scary Shadow Inventory Numbers: NakedCap
Democrats to poor kids in DC: screw you: Cold Fury
Climate & Energy
Atmospheric CO2 levels have not increased: WizbangMedia
Comic Book Hate: a New Chapter in Anti-Israel Bias at the New York Time: TobinShock: TSA Nominee Southers Lied to Congress in Signed Affidavit: GWP
Bacon-eating conservative blogger asks, "How long ago was that?": R&R
LA Times: Somalis Are The New Mexicans: Riehl
Are Democrats thieves?: Mitchell Langbert
Glenn Greenwald's Absolute Tyranny: AmPower
I’m Not Sure If I’d Give These Optics A B-Plus: Driscoll
The White House Speaks: The Left Obeys: Verum Serum
Violence How-to: Crittenden
I dreamed of a world without AARP: BMW
Congrats to Mark Levin: RedState
Funniest Press Release of the Season, Or, My Gratitude to The New York Times: PJM (Kimball)
The Third Jihad: Destroying Western Civilization from Within: New Zeal“Youths” Torch 1,137 Cars in France This New Year’s Eve: GWP
The Ethics of Profiling: PJM
The Jihad Decade Cometh: AT (Geller)
Yemenis could make Gitmo North more dangerous: Marathon
Terrorists Ayers and Dohrn stir up trouble on Gaza border: Jawa
Muslim World: Iran--The End Is Not Nigh: Spyer
Changing America’s Legal System To Gain Foreign Approval: MoneyRunner
Iran issues 'ultimatum' to West on nuke talks: Maktoob
Where Does The Buck Stop In The Knickerbomber Intelligence Failure? NiceDeb
We All Know Facebook Site Hosts Terrorists, But This Site Needs To Be Known: JawaToyota's 1st in safety recalls for 1st time: Detroit Free Press
What's coming: Will 2010 be a good year for tech?: PJM
Your Printer is a Narc: RSM
2 Billion to Watch Opening of Burj Dabai: Maktoob
Viral Video Legends Compilation: AceSand artist Kseniya Simonova: GrandRants
An Urgent Message: Parkway Rest Stop
Battle Croc-Pot: Michelle's Mirror
...and the coolest dude of 2009 is:: Borepatch
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