
Getting Serious: Belmont Club
How is Obama doing on fighting terror?: NQ
Want to Stop Obama's Agenda? Meet Scott Brown: Atlas
Why is Coakley hiding out?: RWN
McCain for Brown Video: LegalIns
Rethinking the Congressional Honorific: Langbert
Berkeley's Unbearable Whiteness of Science: AT
Obama's approach to terrorism blows up: Kelly
America Rising: an Open Letter to Democrats: HillBuzz
America Rising... (backup copy): AmPow
S.F.: homegrown anarchic totalitarianism: Bookworm
Housing Numbers Paint Bleak Outlook for 2010: BMWThe States and the Stimulus: WSJ
Postal boss moonlights for cash from corporations: Times
Is There More to the "Louisiana Purchase"?: SIGIS
Climate & Energy
Once In A Generation Cold Snap: RWNReport AGW federal funding fraud, win valuable prizes!: Moe Lane
Dr. Neil Frank: 'You should be steamed' about Climategate': Chron
Climategate: Michael Mann's very unhappy New Year: Telegraph (UK)
Why Is the President Always the Last to Know?: AmDigAnalyze this body language: InstaPundit
Avatar: the war against humans: NeoNeocon
You go to war with the TSA you have: Mullings
Your Tax Dollars at Work: NPR Mocks Tea Partiers: Riehl
Law & Order and Double Standards: PJM
The United States of Insanity: Charlie Daniels
Barack Obama - Another Failed Presidency: Maggie
Friedman's Bleat: "China’s Not Debating This At All": Driscoll
Obama and End-Stage Metastatic Liberalism: OneCos
'I think it is unfair and political to take pot shots at the president as we respond to this failure in our systems': Ace
Security we can believe in: Mirror
The Dove That Dare Not Speak Its Name: Power LineJohn Kerry Denied Entry Into Iran: GWP
John Brennan's Disgraceful Performance: Power Line
Do we need a less aggressive force posture in Afghanistan?: CJ
Malmö: Airport bomb plot foiled: IIE
US Embassy in Yemen fails to get memo about 'human caused disasters', uses politically incorrect 'T' word: Ace
Obama to continue sending reinforcements to al Qaeda in Yemen: Prairie
Captain Awesome's Counter-Terrorism Honcho: Hey, Let's Offer Abdul a Sweet Deal if He Talks!: Ace
UK: Islamist radicals targeting snipers: IIE
How to increase your vehicle fuel economy by 20% or more: BlogProfThe Obama Disconnect: What Happens When Myth Meets Reality: TechPresident
"Things I learned while watching Avatar": AmDigUnemployed? Obama is Hiring: Cube
Daily Scoreboard: Surber
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