
“If the election were held today, we’d lose the House”: Hot Air
Who Is the Enemy?: Hanson
Government Anti-Terror 'Expert' on Terror Watch List: Poole
Will MA send ACORN flunky to replace Teddy?: AT
Obama's Health Care Gamble: NewEd
Why Obamacare must be defeated: PJM
WH: Illegals will be eligible for Obamacare: Hot Air
Obamacare for illegals: SIGIS
Abdulmutallab and Eric Holder: Noteworthy News: Maggie
Uh oh: UN hack will help Napolitano with security: Rosett
State Dept. issued bomber's visa; Hillary in hiding: BlogProf
Expurts ‘r Us: Cold FuryWillie Brown's Wake-Up Call: WyBlog
Jamaat al-Fuqra/Muslims of America tax fraud plot?: Jawa
Justice Brandeis, Call Your Office: Commentary
A Stand-Pat Society?: Samuelson
How to save 500 million U.S. jobs: NewEd
Economic Rebound? What Economic Rebound?: BizzyBlog
Here's How To Debauch The Currency And Destroy Capitalism: Insider
Climate & Energy
Liberals Against Solar Power to Protect Desert Sand and 24 Tortoises: BlogProfMoonbat Scientists: dolphins should be treated as 'non-human persons'; no word on unborn however: BlogProf
NYT cavalry rides to rescue of Obama and Brennan, inadvertently confirms idiocy: StrataIn which Tom Brokaw agrees with me about health care reform: TigerHawk
More Threats Online: JihadWatch
Announcing the Second Annual Islamic Cartoon Contest: Atlas
Secret Service: third person crashed WH state dinner: Hot Air
"I Shot 7 Taliban In One Day": JawaCAIR is upset? Who cares?: Surber
Killing the Chicken to Frighten the Monkey: Belmont
2010 Won't Be Pretty: Bolton
Freed Gitmo Inmates Headed to Yemen for War: London Times
A Fascinating Look at the Worries of an Attack on Last Year's Inauguration: NRO
Radical Islam: the clues are in Britain, not Yemen: S, C & A
Profile Away: Stossel
10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist: WiredAhmadinejad's Website Hacked: GWP
Understanding Windows 7's 'GodMode': CNet
American Digest Daybook for Tuesday: AmDigGreat - now we have to contend with robot terrorists: BigFeed
Image Credit: People's Cube.
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