Friday, January 8, 2010

By their own calculations, Democrats risking 25 million American lives

Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-Lame Duck) and President Barack Obama like to claim that 14,000 U.S. citizens lose their health care insurance each and every day.

On a rare Saturday session of the Senate in November of 2009, Senator Judd Gregg (R-NV) called out the fraud inherent to the Democrat health care bill.

[Democrats] continue to claim this bill costs about $800 billion... [but] that is a totally dishonest number... The way that number was arrived at was that they don’t start spending money on this bill until the fourth or the fifth year. They couldn’t get the score they wanted from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), so they changed the starting point. They moved back another year in the ten-year cycle. They went from four years to five years as to the starting point of most of the spending in this bill...

What they don’t tell the American people is they’re not spending anything in the first four or five years of the bill... They do cut Medicare throughout the ten-year period. But they don’t spend the money. They don’t start the spending programs until the year 2014, when this bill is fully phased in, when all these new programs, these massive expansion of entitlements are created, these brand-new entitlements. When all this new spending occurs, this bill will cost $2.5 trillion over that ten-year period.

Bernard Madoff would be proud.

The question any rational person would ask is this: if health care reform is so urgent that 14,000 people a day are risking death for lack of health insurance, why would Democrats wait five years to begin the program, thereby putting 25 million Americans at risk?

Oh -- I can answer that question. Because they lie. Incessantly, continually and habitually. They lie about everyone and everything. Because if they told the truth, they could no more win public office than Michael Moore could endorse SlimFast.



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