Sunday, December 27, 2009

What to do When Interest Rates Fluctuates?

What You should do when the Interest Rate changes?

Interest rates affect all kind of Investments such as Home Loan, Equities, Gold, Debt & Fixed Income Investments. Here is a Comprehensive Table of, what you should do when the Interest rate rises?


Product Impact of Higher Interest Rates What You Should Do?
Loan As a Borrower you have to pay more Interest if the interest rates go up Lock in to Short term Fixed Rates rather than Floating rate loans
Equity Whenever the Interest rates go high, the borrowed money becomes costly and thus the expansion of businesses via Debt becomes costly which ultimately depresses the Stock Market Be Careful while investing in interest rate sensitive sectors such as Banking & Real Estate
Debt When Interest rates go up, Bond prices crash Invest in Funds & FDs with a tenure of less than a year and avoid long-tenure bond funds
Gold Gold rises when the inflation & Interest rates rises Increase the Gold Allocation of your Portfolio by buying Gold ETFs

Thus, you have to take your various Investment decisions after keeping in mind the Interest rate fluctuations.


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