Web Business in a Recession
It is now proven that Web businesses are recession proof businesses. This is because in the year 2008-09, during the time of recession, all the web businesses grew worldwide despite of the recession. Giant Web Businesses like Google, Amazon & eBay grew during the same period.
While many other web businesses also noticed the growth in their web traffic. This is because during the time of recession, people around the world have preferred to stay home online rather than going outside and that’s why the per head spending of the people on the internet also grew.
If you ask me that, just 1 year before the web traffic of this blog was only 2000 page views per month but today it is almost 30,000 page views a month. And this is more than 10 times Growth in a single year only….!!!!
Thus, all the Internet Businesses grew very well during the time of recession. Thus, we can say that web businesses are the recession proof businesses. In fact, web businesses have negative correlation with the economy. Means during the time of recession, they will grow more.
And because of this recession proof nature of the web businesses, I advise youngsters to start their own Internet Business. I advise to all of you to start your own Internet Business. This is because Internet Businesses operate at very low cost as everything is automatic and run even while you sleep or travel the world.
The future is of the web businesses. In the future, even a high school going kid will own his own Internet Business and make more money than a doctor…!!!
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