Sunday, December 27, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: Cross the River, Burn the Bridge

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Cross the River, Burn the Bridge: Steyn
Leftists spin NWA attack as proof AQ is weak: RWN
How did bomber get a visa while on watch list?: AT

Failed Detonator Saved NWA Flight: Riehl
2010 Repeal of Obamacare must be central GOP issue: AT
Who went to church on Christmas Day?: TAB


Obama Union Push Delays Projects, Increases Costs: Times
TSA: Nothing Can Stop Us From Killing Airline Industry: MereRhet
Feingold Slams Obama Over Earmarks: Morrissey

Blank Check Bailout for Fannie, Freddie: BigGovt
Six projects that really would stimulate the economy: WSJ


Bacon Strip Bomber Arraigned in Court: Pundette
NCIS inverts reality with Christian terrorists, honor murders: PJM
Obama becomes one with Thomas Friedman: Pundette

Fox Newswatch Highlights Couric & Klein in MRC's Awards for Worst Reporting: NewsBusters
Malkin: Obamacare tipping point for culture of corruption: BlogProf

Climate & Energy

Is Stalinism Back?: AT (Lewis)
Greens try to cope with Climategate: BigGovt
877 new U.S. snowfall records set or tied in last week: Nelson


Obama vacations while Iran burns: Wolf
Iran's Perfect Storm: Times
Smart Diplomacy FAIL: Charlie Foxtrot

Forty years of misdirected aid to Africa: PJM
Party Crasher: Foreign leaders were avoiding the president in Copenhagen: Times
Four protesters killed in Tehran clashes: Maktoob

In North Korea, Resistance is the New Currency: InstaPundit
U.S. diplomats caught smuggling Palestinian into Israel: TAB
The Doctor Who Defied Tehran: WSJ



Cat rides cleaning Roomba 560 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner: VirFoot
Battle of Trenton -- An Eyewitness Account: BigGovt

The following excerpt from Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung may provide an answer as to why President Obama and David Axelrod want this health care reform so badly.

The communist world has one big myth. It is the time hallowed archetypal dream of a Golden Age where everything is provided in abundance for everyone and a great, just and wise chief rules over a human kindergarten. This powerful archetype has gripped them in its infantile form. We even support it by our own childishness, for our Western civilization is in the grip of the same mythology.

The President and his advisor are the chiefs, and the American people are their kindergarten. They like playing God.

-- Ann Kane


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