Big Dog has one of today's must-reads: "I am a right-wing extremist!"
• I served this country faithfully for 24 years with long separations from my family, long hours and low pay always putting country ahead of self so I must be a right wing extremist.
• I spent major holidays in far away places guarding the freedoms we enjoy so that others could be with their families in comfort and safety so I must be a right wing extremist.• I pay my taxes in full and on time every year so I must be a right wing extremist.
• I love my country and am not ashamed to admit that to anyone, anywhere, so I must be a right wing extremist.
• I believe that evil must be confronted with overwhelming force and that any enemy whether foreign or domestic must be destroyed so I must be a right wing extremist.Read the whole thing
Political Beach Girl: "We're all extremists on the right now."
Jules Crittenden: "First they went after..."
Also see: Spartacus. Hat tip: Larwyn.
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