How an Ideal Business should be? Many people ask me the same question repeatedly. "What is an Ideal Business?" I ask in reply, "Why do you want to develop an ideal Business?"
Very often i get the same answer, "Well, I want to start a Business because I want to make Money. I want to start a Business because i want to be Rich, Ultra-Rich"
I ask in reply, "Well Don't you want to serve the Community?"
I usually get the reply, "Well forget about serving the Community. Just tell me how can I develop a Business that can generate tremendous Money for Me?"
Well, Let me tell you frankly that, an ideal Business is one which serves the community, create jobs in the economy and provides well-being to the society. Once you create this kind of Business, the money will flow automatically without any effort.
The Single Bottom line of Just creating Money will make no Ideal and successful Business.
Let me Tell you the "Secrets of Long Lived Companies of Japan"
Let us first discuss some statistics.
20,000 Companies in Japan are more than a 100 years old
1,200 of them are more than 200 years old
600 Companies over 300 years,
30 Companies over 500 years,
5 Companies over a 1000 years and
1 Company is over 1400 years Old.
The Secret of these Long Lived Companies of Japan is that, they have not seen or view the Business as a Money making Machine. The Primary goal of creating these Businesses was not to make money. They have created these companies to create jobs in the Economy and serving the society. And the Money flows automatically and in increasing proportion since than........ Understand the Secret?.....
If you start any Business with the sole purpose of Money making than it won't last long. But if you start any Business with a purpose of creating jobs and providing good quality service to the society than it will last for ever and the money will automatically flow in it.
Take the Example of TATA Group. Tata Group is 150 year old Enterprise but still running successfully. Because it has created job and provided services to the society to improve it.
An ideal Business is one which has a deep concern for Employees and respect for Customers. If you want to create a Successful Business than first of all behave well with your Employees and understand the needs and complains of your Customers. The Money will flow automatically.
Any Business has 2 Missions -
1) Spiritual Mission &
2) Business Mission
Of course Business mission of any business is to generate Profit. But the Spiritual Mission of any Business should be to create jobs and to serve the society for its better living. Any Business without having a strong spiritual mission will eventually fail.
The money will flow automatically if you have a strong spiritual Mission. Let us take the Example of this Blog. This blog is my online Business. Obviously the Business mission of this Blog is to generate profit. The business mission of "My Journey To Billionaire Club" is to generate more and more revenue year by year.
But the Spiritual mission of this blog is to provide high quality of Financial Education to the people of this world so that they can live a financially sound life. The Spiritual mission of this Blog is to educate people about Money and Personal Finance Matters.
It is the spiritual mission of this blog which is the main reason of the success of this Blog and of any business. If i have only one mission and that is to earn money from this blog than this blog would definitely a failure. But it is the spiritual mission of my Internet Business that drives me to write more and more articles for my readers. It is the spiritual mission of this blog which drives me to search and find excellent quality content for my Blog readers.
The spiritual mission of this blog is to provide Excellent Quality Financial Education to the people so that they can be financially free and live a life without having financial trouble.
So I strongly suggest the new entrepreneurs to have a strong spiritual mission rather than only a Business Mission. After all it is the Spiritual Mission that drives any business through centuries...... Of course Money is the end product and it has to flow by 101% surely if you have a strong spiritual Mission........
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