Today, a very interesting incident happened in my Life. I am studying my Post graduate course in MS - Ophthalmology (Eye Surgery) at D.Y. Patil University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra.
The Institute in which i am studying is a well known Education group of Maharashtra and its really financially sound education group. Today in the morning, my colleagues who are studying with me have received a call from the University Administration Department in Emergency so they go to University administration department in hurry.
What they find is - The University department was asking for a next year Fee in advance from my colleagues because according to them, the University is facing financial problems so they need to show the certain amount of money on the Balance sheet to solve that financial problem.
Well, this was just the starting of the topic. This incidence has nothing to do with this Blog and its readers.
But here, I want to tell you an important thing.
And that is most of the people are thinking that more money will solve their Financial Problems. People think that once they will be Rich, all of their Financial worries will be over and they will be happy for ever.
But let me tell you that, its not about the money that will solve your all the Financial problems. It is your financial Intelligence that will solve your Financial problems.
Remember, More money means more Financial Problems. The more richer you get, the more complex financial problems you will face. But by using your Financial IQ, you have to solve these problems. And Rich people use their Financial IQ to solve these problems and get more richer......
Again read the above statement very carefully and you will understand what i mean to say. I mean to say that money will come and go from your Financial statement. You don't have to focus only on increasing your Income and Assets. Simultaneously, you also have to focus on your Financial IQ if you want to get richer and richer.
You have to increase your Financial IQ along with your Wealth. Than and only you will be able to solve the Complex Financial Problems that come with more money. Remember, More money doesn't solve the Financial Problem but actually it accentuates the Financial Problems. More money will only magnify the the complexity and size of the Financial Problems.
But it is your Financial IQ that will solve these Complex Financial Problems and not the money you have. So from now onwards focus on increasing your Financial IQ because more money will only increase the Financial problems. It is the more Financial IQ that will solve these Financial Problems.............
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