Saturday, March 28, 2009

Click on the Adds to Pay the Author - Bad Idea

Recently, i was reading some blog. The blog owner has posted a Post, "Click on the Adds to Pay the Author". He mean to say that, if you like the Blog post than before leaving the Blog please click on the Adds of that Blog to pay the Royalty to the Author.

Well, I think, forcing readers to click on the adds if they like the content of the Blog is a Bad idea. It is not a smart Business Strategy and I completely disagree with it. Have you ever think that why advertisers pay lots of Money to Google? So that via Google AdSense their product or Service's marketing does proper.

If blog owners and website owners force their readers to click on the Adds, than it will hurt the advertisers. Yes, if a reader like some add on your Blog and want to click on that add than it is OK and absolutely ethical but pushing your readers to click on the adds to pay the author if they like the content or article is totally unethical.

If i go to some Investment or Personal Finance Blog than i would definitely click on the Adds like "Top Mutual Funds" or "Hot stocks" or like that because i am interested in finding the same. Well, this is completely ethical because I am interested in finding out hot stocks or top mutual funds so by clicking on those adds i might convert into a Customer from a reader only for that Advertising Company and ultimately a profit for that Company. But if i click on the adds purely for the intention to pay the royalty to the author than it is a loss to the advertiser and thus it is an unethical practice.

So what you can do if you really like any Blog or Website and really want to Help the Owner/Author? -

- Well, you can add a link of that blog or an article to your own homepage or website. If you are not a website owner than you can request your friends to do so who are website or blog owners.

- If you really like the content of any website or blog than spread the words of the author on the web. Tell as many people as you can about that article, blog or content. Spread the words of the author on the Internet. It will really helpful to the author because more visitors means more page views and more page views means more Revenue for that Blog/Website.

- If you like some Blog than advise your friends to read that Blog. Advise your family, friends and colleagues to visit that blog.

So these are the few ways to help the Blog owner. More Web Traffic means more Revenue to the Blog owner and that is completely ethical.
But please don't advise your readers to click on the adds to pay you. It really hurt your image. and it is no way good in the faith of your advertisers........!!!!!!!!!


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