Bad Credit Loans are increasingly becoming popular now a days. These Loans are offered to people who have a Bad Credit History.
Definition: – Bad Credit Loan -
- A Loan that is offered to people with Bad Credit History is known as Bad Credit Loans. There are many banks who give you Bad Credit Loans. The reason why this loan is popular for banks is, Because Banks can charge you a higher interest rates than traditional loans by giving you the excuse that they are offering you Bad Credit Loans.
Explanation -
You have to understand the different between Bad Credit Versus No Credit. Both the words are entirely different. Bad Credit means in the past your Loan paying history was very bad. Means you were defaulted or not regular in paying your loans. In fact you may have filed Bankruptcy because of the Bad Credit.
While No Credit means, you have never ever taken any kind of loan or borrowed money from anyone in your life. And that’s why there is no Credit Report at all for you.
According to Finance Gurus, Bad Credit Loan is a trap. It is the trap you to push towards higher interest rate loans. Some Banks offer you Bad Credit Loans easily even though you were defaulted in paying loans in the past because Banks can charge higher interest from you.
People think that Bad Credit Loans are Mercy Loans for them. Because usually Lender (Banks & Financial Institutes) never give you a loan for bad Credit History in the past. But This is a trap. By telling you that, the Lender is offering you a Loan even for your Bad Credit, they will charge much higher interest from you.
In short, The chances of default of Bad Credit Loans are very high.
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