Monday, March 30, 2009

Auto Loan

Auto Loans are the variety of loans to finance your vehicle. Auto Loans includes Car loan, two-wheeler loans, motor cycle loans & Commercial vehicle loans.

Definition: – Auto Loan

- Also known as Automobile Loan. In fact Auto loan is the short form of Automobile loan. a personal loan to purchase an automobile.

- Auto loan is the type of loan which is manly used to finance the automobile purchase.

Explanation: -

Commonly people take Auto loans to finance their purchase of Automobiles. But the problem is that, Middle Class people don’t have much Financial Education. So what they do is, as their Salary Income goes high, they take higher and higher auto loans to purchase more and more costly vehicles.

Banks & Financial Institutes love this. Because higher the loan their customers take, higher they will make profits from them from interest, late payment fees…etc…

Middle Class don’t want to understand and accept the fact that, they should not take auto loans. While on the other hand, Rich people are Financially more intelligent than the rest of others. So instead of taking Auto loans, they prefer to buy second hand used vehicle. So that they don’t have to take any Auto Loans.

Remember, If you take Auto Loan for your Business purpose means as a Business Vehicle, than its a good expense because after all it helps your business to grow. But if you take Auto loan just because your Salary is increased, its a fool’s plan.

Smart people are those who take Auto Loans to finance their Business Vehicles and not their Personal Vehicles.


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