India’s biggest and the richest top industrialist Anil Ambani was allegedly having an affair with ex-Miss Universe turned actress Sushmita Sen. It was also reported that it was he who had bought her the plush flat in Bandra. Sushmita Sen of course rubbished the news. Hardly had this gossip died down when Ambani was accused of having affair with ex Miss World turned actress Aishwarya Rai. “I think it is case of mistaken identity. I have just met him once at Bharat Shah’s birthday bash. That’s it! I’m not having anything to do with him,” Ash said.
Sushmita Sen denies affair with Anil
Speculations over Anil Ambani having an extra-marital affair with former Miss Universe and actress Sushmita Sen were termed ‘baseless’ by the actress yesterday evening.
The rumour mills worked overnight in the last few days soon after the tussle between the two brothers became public. One of the rumours doing the rounds was that Anil was having an affair with Sushmita.
Sen, who returned to Mumbai from Kolkata, where her father underwent a bypass surgery yesterday, said, “This is utter nonsense. I have met Anil Ambani only thrice and in the presence of his wife. People who spread such rumours should at least link me with men I socialise with!”
Numerous attempts to contact Anil Ambani proved futile.
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