Hurricane Ike threatens our largest oil refineries...

Gas prices hit all-time highs...

...and the Democrat-controlled Congress continues to prohibit drilling for energy around 93% of the U.S. In fact, they even prohibit

It's nothing new. In 1994
Democrat Bill Clinton vetoed exploration in Alaska
In 2008 Democrat Nancy Pelosi claimed that
drilling for oil is a "hoax".

And in July of this year Democrat Ken Salazar refused to
consider drilling even if gas hit $10 a gallon!

Ten dollar gas? Vote for Energy. Vote McCain-Palin.
Update: Larwyn adds:
Look at the Dems' "No Zones" and realize that if drilling and refinery sites were spread out, a hurricane in the Gulf would not have such a dire effect on our economy and on your pocketbook.
Common sense folks! If your banked cash exceeds the FDIC insurance limits, you use more than one bank. Time we create more than ONE ENERGY BANK for this country....
Well said.
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