• Jeff G. of Protein Wisdom reacts to news that Saddam Hussein had 550 metric tons of Uranium, all of which was successfully transported to Canada.
Now, before you dull, neocon chickenhawk dupes (whose gullibility encouraged smarter and more discriminating Dem congresspeople to set aside their concerns and their principles and vote us overwhelmingly into a fake war based on the lying lies of lying liars who lied) get to feeling all vindicatey, please note that yellowcake itself — even 550 metric tons of the stuff — is not, without further enrichment, capable of causing anything more than a panic. And Saddam was far too busy writing romance novels and terrorizing Kurds and Marsh Arabs to even dream about further enriching the stuff.
My guess? He was just keeping it around in case Joe Wilson ever lipped off to him. Then he’d be all like, “you’ve been punk’d!”
So, you know, no harm, no foul.
In fact, I’m not sure what business it is of ours to worry about such a benign stockpile of harmless fluff. Perhaps if we spent less time removing 550 metric tons of yellowcake from the middle east and more time concentrating on the global warming climate change crisis and the rising cost of oil (and no, advocating for additional drilling, new refineries, and nuclear energy do NOT count as viable methods of amelioration, you greedy earth-gorging eco-robber barons), poor people who don’t give a flying fig about Iraq wouldn’t be forced to buy sub-standard arugula on theblackmarket of color.
Get with the program, pigs. YES YOU CAN!
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