Gateway Pundit highlighted an underreported story on July 4th.
But... But... They're broken and worn out.
Didn't they listen to Barack?... There's no military solution!
This can't be happening.
They're just depressed. They're medicated.
They're too stupid and ended up in Iraq. And, now they're too stupid to know they're fighting a lost war.
Don't they know it's a failure?
The stress has made them cold-blooded killers .
Today 1,200 US troops reenlisted in Iraq- at a former Saddam Hussein palace
This was one for the record books... More than 1,200 US troops serving in Iraq signed up for extended service in the military to mark America's Independence day on Friday.
General David Petraeus led the airmen, Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers in their oath to defend their country against all enemies both foreign and domestic.
Democrats were wrong.
Well, they were wrong about Communism; wrong about welfare reform; wrong about how to fight terrorism; wrong about charter schools; wrong about trial lawyers; wrong about energy policy; wrong about
So this doesn't exactly come as a surprise.
Oh, and Harry Reid could not be reached for comment.
The video is here, courtesy Bob Krumm.
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