Tom Maquire at Just One Minute takes note of the feverish "Anybody but Hillary" activities of sensible Democrats in Iowa.
I have long believed that Hilary could only win if the "Anybody But Hillary" Democrats (who I suspect are a majority of her party) failed to unite around a single alternative... it now appears that both Dennis Kucinich and Bill Richardson are asking their supporters to flock to the Obama banner as a second choice in the arcane Iowa Democratic caucusing procedure. ...If that support materializes, Obama will perform above his latest polls, which are already good.
Well - whether Obama wins by a little or a lot, Hillary will be the Terminator candidate. She can't be bargained with. She can't be reasoned with. She doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And she absolutely will not stop, ever... But that doesn't mean she can't be defeated. It'll just take a while, thereby compounding our angst and her ultimate humiliation...
A recent Rasmusen poll asked Americans to choose between Hillary and various other theoretical candidates. The results?
Hillary vs. Barry Bonds: Hillary wins by 6 points
Hillary vs. Josef Stalin: Hillary wins by 3 points
Hillary vs. Tipper Gore: Hillary loses by 12 points
Hillary vs. Johnny Quest: Hillary loses by 18 points
Hillary vs. Gumby: Hillary loses by 19 points
I hear Gumby is a fiscal conservative and is a very flexible thinker.
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