Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Quick Takes

Clinton boo-boo

Dan Riehl:

You need to appreciate Democrat politics to really understand how significant this could become, even beyond Hillary if she gets the nomination. Video here. It sounds like Obama's camp is going to run with it and it could destroy Hillary in South Carolina...

"Dr. King's dream began to be realized when President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act," Clinton said. "It took a president to get it done."

...As far as political instincts go, Hillary apparently just doesn't have them. Playing down the role of King in the Civil Rights movement while heading into South Carolina next week is simply dumb...

I forget. Which state was Hillary's "firewall state"?

Friday, January 4, 8PM Cable viewers:

ALL OTHERS: 2,958,000
  CNN COOPER 915,000
  CNNHN GRACE 699,000

People must really love their faux news. Or perhaps the faux news is exactly what viewers have shunned. Ever consider that, Keith Pelosi-Schumer?

Is Norman Hsu out of prison yet?

Karen Tumulty at Time writes that Hillary's cash position is running dangerously low (hat tip: PrairiePundit).

"...by every measure, I hear they are in a real financial crunch," says one prominent fundraiser. "Here's the dilemma: You have a situation where there clearly is a full court press to raise more money, but considering the state of decline of the campaign, there's a real question of whether people are going to want to give. It's more than just raising money; you've got to give people a sense of potential."

...One reason for the new drive to raise cash quickly is the fact that Clinton spent lavishly on what turned out to be a debacle in Iowa. Numbers circulating among fundraisers — but not confirmed by the campaign — suggest that the campaign may have as little as $15 million to $25 million left on hand.


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