• Obama doubles field offices in "leans Dem" New Mexico:
Real Clear Politics currently has New Mexico leaning toward Obama by ten points...
...Given Obama’s troubles raising cash and Mitt Romney’s distinct campaign dollar advantage, you do not suddenly open up twice as many field offices in a state in which you’re polling ten points ahead, unless you are seeing something troubling going on.
There’s also the added advantage of the stress it places on Obama’s campaign purse. He can’t re-distribute tax dollars to pay for extra field offices he didn’t anticipate needing in the first place.
• Losing the Independents
Carville and Greenberg have just released a new poll, and it’s devastating for Obama. Among independents — the precious, eagerly sought, oh-God-everybody-loves-them independents — Romney leads Obama (this is a poll this week) by 15 points, 53 to 38 in independents. This is remarkable. This is a Stan Greenberg and James Carville poll. “Independents disapprove of Obama’s job performance 56 to 40%. And when looking at intensity, disapproval is greater than two to one, 47 to 20%.”
...Now, according to exit polling, Obama won a majority of independents in 2008. It was 52 to 44, an eight-point majority in the election of 2000, according to exit polls. “His cratering of support among swing voters reflected in this Carville poll,” and in many others, “is the equivalent of losing more than 5.3 million independent voters from his 2008 total.”
• Number of Republicans in America Reaches Record High
During August, 37.6% of Americans considered themselves Republicans. That’s up from 34.9% in July and 35.4% in June. It’s also the largest number of Republicans ever recorded by Rasmussen Report since monthly tracking began in November 2002. The previous peak for the GOP was 37.3% in September 2004.
• Boston Globe: Predictive Model Yields Romney Landslide
The Lexington economic forecasting firm takes two economic indicators plus three political variables, plugs them into a formula, and out pops the percentage of the popular vote the incumbent party is expected to win. The formula has correctly predicted the outcome in 14 of the last 16 presidential elections...
...The most recent update of the formula, using July economic data, shows President Obama losing decisively, with just over 45 percent of the popular vote.
• Scaled-Back DNC Due To Fundraising Shortfalls
At first pass, a shorter convention might not seem like a big deal. While convention organizers say it helps to open the convention to the people, even if only for another day, others see the curtailment as a potential red flag of fundraising woes.
The original plan started with a typical Monday opening and included four days of convention business -- just as Democrats have done for years... But in January, organizers announced they were scaling it back.
Finally, I'm even seeing signs of conservatism emerging at The New York Times. No, not by the editors and reporters. But if the comments at the Times are any indication, Barack Jarrett Obama is in deep, deep trouble.
I refer, of course, to the New York Times' stunning expose of Barack Obama's puppeteer, a classic, inept Chicago political apparatchik named Valerie Jarrett. Some of the highlighted comments include:
Can we take this country back and return it to its Constitutional roots? I believe we can. Take nothing for granted, however, because the time to save this Republic grows short.
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