Thursday, September 20, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Wildly Out Of Touch, Antique Media Complain Romney Not Regular Guy

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Wildly Out Of Touch Media Complain Romney Not Regular Guy: Coulter
Mitt Romney Right: Dependency Subverts Democracy: IBD
Mr. Podhoretz, please read the transcript.: Kuznicki

2012 Will Be Another Tea Party Election, Like 2010: Strata
Race Finished Update: Real RCP Average Shows Dead Heat: Bizzy
UMass/Herald poll: Brown pulling ahead of Warren: Herald

Man of the People: Jay-Z knows what my life is like says Obama: Exam
Mitt Romney’s Remarks are Another Chick-Fil-A Moment: RS
*Sigh* Obama plays the race card... again: AT


Good Lord, Obama doesn't even know what the national debt is: Twitchy
Is Barack Obama America's Most Dishonest Politician?: Power Line
Obama’s First Term Is Like Roosevelt’s Dismal Second: Barone

Obama's $105,000 champagne tower with Jay-Z and Beyonce: MB
Radical Chicago teachers win, taxpayers/students/parents lose: Malkin
Man of the People: DailyMail

Obama to Letterman: National Debt Not a Concern in Short Term: LoneCon
Under Obama, US Drops to 18th in Economic Freedom Ranking: MB
Tungsten-Filled 10 Oz Gold Bar Found In Manhattan's Jewelry District: ZH

Scandal Central

Eric Holder's exoneration by Fast and Furious report strains credibility: Geraghty
Report Blows Huge Hole in Obama's Fake Biography: Lid
DOJ F&F probe: “Pattern of serious failures,” 14 employees up for… sanctions: Hot Air

Alert: Fast and Furious IG report drops this afternoon, DOJ IG scheduled to testify tomorrow: Malkin
CRS report: number of able-bodied adults on food stamps doubled after Obama suspended work requirement: Exam
Going, going, gone: Bankrupt green loan recipient Abound Solar goes to auction: Malkin

Climate & Energy

GOP needs to start talking about EPA reform now: Times
Nature editorial dashes alarmist hopes of linking extreme weather events to global warming: Watts
Quote of the week, the hilarious EPIC FAIL of Dana Nuccitelli: Watts


Admitted Socialist Occupies The White House: S&L
Illinois Ground Report: HillBuzz
Conservative Student Denied Entry to Michelle Obama Speech: FNR

Barack Obama? Arrogant and Way the Heck Out of Touch? The Deuce You Say!: Sundries
Obama is Living Large while Americans Suffer: PatriotUpdate
Time for an Intervention: Noonan


Leader of Assault on US Consulate in Libya was Released From Gitmo in 2007: Tatler
Let the record of the Benghazi attack show… whatever Obama needs it to show: DC
Sweet Fancy Moses: Administration Still Trying to Refine Libyan Attack Messaging: Ace

Pictures Matter: Wilson
Obama official: Benghazi was a terrorist attack: ForPol
On being nice to Muslims, or not.: Elephant

Obama's Dangerous Campaign: Phillips
Rampaging Islamists: Pipes
Exclusive: Western report - Iran ships arms, personnel to Syria via Iraq: Reuters


Apple gets patent for universal batteries, edges closer to long-lasting wireless peripherals: Engadget
U.S.: Laws of war apply to cyber attacks: ArmyTimes
Awesome Persol Shades Your Friends Will Want to Steal: Gizmodo


Occupy Wednesday: MOTUS
Like Manna For the Agitpropist: iOTW
Lewinsky's Clinton book to reveal his insatiable desire for threesomes and how he trashed Hillary: Daily Mail

Image: Ace o' Spades
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Serve Your Country by Working at the Polls in November

QOTD: "The Political Industrial Complex (made up of Politicians, their Handlers, Lobbyists, the News Media, etc) have not realized that the 2012 election is going to be Part 2 of the 2010 shellacking of the government-knows-best, government-only-solutions party (i.e., Dem0crats). The fact is you cannot screw up indefinitely, throwing away people’s money and destroying their hard earned wealth, without repercussions. Voters will fire failures." --AJ Strata


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