Sunday, September 16, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Why Barack Obama Should Resign Today

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Why Barack Obama Should Resign Today: Instapundit
Disgrace in Benghazi: Steyn
State Dept Running Scared, Scrubbing Documents: ConTreehouse

Law student’s response to JFK’s grandson’s plea to reelect Obama: LI
It's Come to This: A National Yard Sale For Obama: GWP
Violent Protest Near U.S. Embassy in Paris--100 Detained: JihadWatch

Obama: The First Amendment? Never Heard of It: Driscoll
Would-be Chicago Car-Bomber an Occupy and Obama Supporter: Riehl
Sudan Humiliates Obama Administration: Riehl

Obama's Stumbling Response to Embassy Attacks: Barone
The Unofficial Campaign’s Latest Disinformation Offensive: Rahe
Blasphemer found, detained by LA Police. Allah be Praised!: ProWis


Operation Screw: Schiff
BofA Sees QE3 Leading to $3,350 Gold, $190 Crude Oil: ZH
We Need a New Stock Market: ZH

Scandal Central

Disgraceful Disregard for America’s Security: Virtuous
Israeli foreign ministry: US buried its head in the sand, ignored our warning: Matzav
Today’s Intelligence Briefing has been cancelled due to lack of interest and aptitude: MOTUS

Disturbing Evidence Obama, Hillary Negligence Responsible For Death Of Ambassador, Marines, SEAL: Dollard
Compare: Obama’s 9/11 Anniversary Tweet Vs. Mitt Romney’s: WZ
Bishops’ President: Obama Admin Threatening Religious Freedom: LifeNews


The week the legacy media dropped all pretense of impartiality: GayPatriot
Standing Athwart Sony Yelling ‘Stop’: Driscoll
New Film Mocking Religion Surfaces - No Riots Yet: MEMRI

Michele Bachmann Speech: Our First Amendment Rights at Risk Under This Administration: Values Voter Summit
Okay, Now We’ve Heard it All! The Media Blames Romney for Their Failure to Cover Obama!: LoneCon
ABC, CBS, NBC Devote More Time (20 to 1) to Romney Flap Than Obama Mideast Mistakes: MRC

Santorum: Obama victory would ‘fundamentally’ change America: Hill
Rick Santorum Flays Obama: AmSpec
Awesome: Google refuses to pull 'Innocence of Mohamed' film clip: Matzav


State Department: Stop asking us about the Benghazi attack: ForPol
The Muslim World Still Hates America: AmPower
Obama Polling Worse Among Jews Than Any Dem in 32 Years: FPM

'For the first time since Jimmy Carter, we’ve had an American ambassador assassinated...': AmPower
State Department To Downplay Religious Oppression: IBD
For first time since Israel-Egypt peace treaty, El Al set to halt flights to Cairo: Times of Israel

Armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike: Telegraph
Hardly Mentioned: 8 Americans Wounded in Benghazi – Security Forces Abandoned Property: MagNote
Base attackers wore U.S. camo, destroyed jets: ArmyTimes

With Obama policy crumbling, White House blames movie for Mideast unrest: Exam
While the Middle East Burns, Obama Phones It In: Virtuous
Mali: Amputations of Thieves: MRC (Caution: Graphic)


The Man-Machine Merger: Kurzweil
Delta Crimps Startups Tracking Airline Rewards; MileWise, AwardWallet, Others Affected: Crunch
Panasonic, Toyota Report Damages in China as Protests Widen: Bloomberg


An Open Letter: smh
My husband’s NEW ‘Apologize to Mohammed’ Contest!: Five Feet of Fury
Art world rejoices over 'botched' restoration: GlobPost

Image: Instapundit
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Dishonorable Disclosures

QOTD #1: "According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and "lockdown", under which movement is severely restricted." --Kim Sengupta, "Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassination"

QOTD #2: " spoke about topics like green energy and climate change as reason for reelecting President Obama. These areas of policy are clearly important ones, and they rightly deserve a place in our national conversation. But more so than government mandated energy efficient vehicles and climate change awareness, the single most important thing to our generation should be ensuring that America as we know it survives for the generations that will come after us. America cannot be a global leader in green energy production if we can’t even pay our own bills." --Bryan Jacoutot


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