Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Pictures That Change Elections?

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Pictures That Change Elections?: Power Line
We Don't Tolerate Fascism in America: Levin
Nakoula Arrest Photoshops: Best of the Best: Zombie

Demoralized as Hell, The poll the media isn’t talking about edition: DTG
The Disgrace That Is Susan Rice: RSM
Intel Sources: Susan Rice is Lying: Scoop

White House Prepares to Slash Billions from Defense: FreeEnt
Don't Trust the Polls: Storm Coming
Erickson says Romney's losing; Rasmussen begs to differ: Twitchy


Romney: 47% of electorate dependent on government: Hot Air
Brilliant: Romney Responds to Leaked Fundraiser Video: GWP
Romney's New Ads: Power Line

Obama Food Stamp Program Runs Amok in Poor Neigborhoods: Shark
Separated at Birth?: MB
The New Deal was a raw deal for America: JournalStar

Scandal Central

The "Logistics" of Intelligence: Former Spook
Obama Campaign Tweets Out Anti-Semitic Libels: Twitchy
Obama administration refuses to rule out Sharia Blasphemy Laws: Totten

State Dept Memo Downplaying Threat of 9/11 Anniversary Attacks Disappears: Speak With Authority
Obama has outspent Romney 2-to-1 in key swing states: Exam
Govt Pays $1M For Obama-Care Propaganda: S&L


Our Constitution Is Under Fire: Foundry
Ben Stein: It's Later In America Than We Dare Think: Ace
What the heck’s wrong with Erik Erikson at RedState?: HillBuzz

The November Referendum on the Liberal Media: Cary
Entertainer-in-Chief to Visit David Letterman, Again: USN&WR
Dear MSM, You’re Part of the Problem. Stop Being Part of the Problem.: Sundries

White House media ignores Obama’s Muslim outreach meltdown: DC
Obama's War on Women: Power Line
Obama Practicing Giving ‘Concise Answers’ at Upcoming Debates: Powers


The Day Obama Jumped the Shark: Flopping Aces
Acts of War: NoisyRm
FAIL: US-Afghan Military Operations Suspended After Attacks: Bruce

Who Knew?: Former Spook
Paul Ryan slams Obama: “This fraying relationship with Israel bordering on contempt”: Scoop
Insider Attacks Now Biggest Killer of NATO Troops: Danger Room

Netanyahu On US Embassy Attacks: ‘You Want These Fanatics To Have Nuclear Weapons?’: Wellfonder
Howard Dean: Of course I meant tensions with Israel are Netanyahu’s fault, not Obama’s: Twitchy
Hezbollah Leader Comes Out of Hiding, Rallies 500,000 Terror Supporters Against Nobel Peace Prize Winner: ABC

Bachmann to Obama: Cancel Letterman and Jay-Z, Meet with Netanyahu: CNS
Sources: State Department sent gay man to be ambassador to Libya: HillBuzz
Mob Rule Replaces Rule of Law: Gatestone


September 2012 Web Server Survey: Netcraft
Improved simulation methods help scientists bolster theories of Moon's formation: PhysOrg
Fitbit’s New, Cheap, Anti-Lazy Gadgets Are Adorable: Gizmodo


No Words – Just Pictures – You Don’t Want To Miss This: It's Big Fur Hat
First they came for your Second Amendment rights...: MOTUS
Newsweek 'Muslim Rage' cover sets off social media. How about sales?: LAT

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Please support the Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "There's a lot of carping about the Romney campaign going around on the Interwebs this morning, but I fear there's a more substantive reason than the deep details of how his convention speech was prepared that explains why he doesn't have a double-digit lead over TFG.

People like free stuff. Mean guy Romney wants to take it away and put our civilization back on a paying basis. A significant amount of the SCOAMF's support is just this simple to explain.

This election isn't a battle between the haves and have-nots, as the Democrats want to paint it.

It's a battle between the responsible and the irresponsible; the realistic and the unrealistic; the self-reliant and the dependent.

Frankly, it's a battle between an adult's view of the world and a child's. And the adults are precariously close to losing." --Ace o' Spades


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