Obamamalaise: 'Can’t Change Washington from the Inside’: DriscollRuh Roh: Counterterror Head Contradicts White House: Breitbart
Obama: No, I Can't : Beacon
As Rome Burns: Camp o' the Saints
GOP To Reid: Campaigning On Senate Floor Is Illegal: WZ
Scott Brown hits Elizabeth Warren on "Native American" heritage: Riehl
Another Day, Another Disaster: RWN
Gallup: Obama Disapproval Up, Now Tied With Romney: JWF
New swing state? Obama to visit Wisconsin: USA Today
Obama Doesn’t Just Gut Welfare Reform...: FoundryGood News: 140MM Families Hit With IRS Obamacare Form: ATR
Hilarity: Tax Cheat Attacks Romney for Paying Taxes: Hot Air
Building a Bridge to 1936: Driscoll
Caption this: DWS wrote something on her hand too: Treacher
Three States Join Constitutional Challenge to Dodd-Frank: CEI
Scandal Central
Issa: White House pursuing an 'enemies list' in Washington: HillQuayle on Fast and Furious report: Holder ‘lied to my face’ during House testimony: DC
Blackmail Alert: White House Staffers Enjoyed Prostitutes with Secret Service in Colombia: MagNote
IG: White House ‘Made it Impossible’ to Pursue Lead in Fast and Furious Probe: CNS
Obama slammed on Fast and Furious in Spanish-language TV interview: Shouldn’t you ‘fire’ Holder? [VIDEO]: DC
Horowitz: Arrest of Anti-Islam FilmMaker “One of the Most Disgraceful Moments in... History”: Nice Deb
Climate & Energy
Obama's Cap & Trade Executive Order: Redistribution: NoisyRmMedia
As Embassy Protests Exploded, Obama Did Interview with People and Posed for a Photo Spread: PowersEddie Haskell Brooks: Malkin
Michelle Malkin Blasts the Beltway and Manhattan RINO Establishment Losers: Scoop
Obama: An Authentic Phony: RSM
Time for Ron Paul Fans to Support the Constitution: Breitbart
New York Times announces that only Obama will be allowed to approve stories in advance: IHTM
Media to Romney: Stop Telling the Truth!: Klavan
GOP Ad Bashing Obama on His Socialist Beliefs Will Give You Chills: GWP
A Short Visual History of the Creepy Obama Cult: Events
Obama & PLO Khalidi 2003 – LA Times Release The Videotape: NoisyRmObama's Chicago Arab-American network comes into focus: Cary
US official: Libya attack not planned in advance: JPost
Wow. Obama Calls The Attacks On Us Around the World And In Libya “Natural”: Bruce
Obama and Hillary now apologizing for Muhammad video in ads running in Pakistan: Scoop
Miscues Before Libya Assault: WSJ
Obama Donor Heads Organization that Freed Terrorist Accused of Plotting Attack in Benghazi: MenRec
CBS Report: OBAMA LIED-There Was NEVER A Protest In Libya, Just an Attack: Lid
You Go, Pamela Geller!: RSM
The Terrorists’ Veto: Totten
Poll shows Jewish support for Obama in Florida down 7 percentage points from 2008: Times of Israel
South Korea fires on North Korean fishing boats: AP
Exclusive: Wal-Mart stops selling Amazon Kindles: Yahoo!Asia is now Facebook’s largest continent after hitting 242 million users: NextWeb
Voice is a killer app, but not all carriers will kill to control it: GigaOm
Countess of Castiglione, C.1856-1899: RetronautVince Young broke, looking for work, court documents say: GlobPost
I’ve been away recuperating, but let me chime in on that controversial candid soundbite: ProWis
Image: iMore
Sponsored by: Allen West Needs Your Help ("Dem super PAC hits Allen West with $1 million buy")
QOTD: "A lot of politicians are dishonest, but Barack Obama may be in a league by himself. He appeared on the David Letterman show last night, and Letterman asked him about the national debt (somewhat surprisingly). Obama’s answer was a masterpiece of prevarication. He described how the debt originated, and claimed, falsely, that he inherited a $1 trillion deficit. In fact, this country had never run a deficit anywhere near $1 trillion until FY 2009, the first year of the Obama administration. (And, no, Bush isn’t to blame for it; the Democratic Congress waited until Obama was in office to pass the vast majority of the bloated spending for that fiscal year.) Letterman, to his credit, went on to ask Obama how much the national debt actually is. Obama evidently knew that if he said $16 trillion his audience would be horrified, so, incredibly, he pretended not to know!...
Barack Obama is a world-class liar. At least, we’d better hope he is a world class liar, because if he really has no idea what the national debt is, we are in even worse trouble." --John Hinderaker
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