Sunday, September 9, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Obama vs. the Constitution

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Obama vs. the Constitution: Ponnuru
Obama: 'You'll Love Me Even More': WS
Obama Mails It In For Weekly Address On September 11: Cove

The Problem With Sexual ‘Rights’: RSM
A Nation of Sandra Flukes: Steyn
Flashback 9/80: Gallup Had Carter Up 4 Points Over Reagan: GWP

An Overdose of Hope: Taki's Mag
The DNC Vote: God Matters: Virtuous
Obama and the DNC Running on Empty: Clarice


Hey, Gallup: it'd be a shame if anything happened to your business: RWN
Magic of 2008 Eludes Obama After Flat Convention: Barone
Obama DNC promise to Medicare lasts... 24 hours: WZ

A Map of Obamavania: Lane
California’s Awful Prop. 31: Is This Your Future?: Kurtz
Those Jobless Numbers Are Even Worse Than They Look: Zuckerman

Scandal Central

Dealing With Unfavorable Polls the Chicago Way: MB
Valerie Jarrett's Million-Dollar Security Detail: a Slumlord Protected by Taxpayers: MagNote
FL Democrat exec resigns after claiming Christians want Jews slaughtered: FAM

Climate & Energy

Obama goes full witchcraft by telling voters they 'can do something about' droughts and floods and wildfires: Depot
Good News: Wind Turbines Supposedly Making People Sick: RWN
Two Tornadoes Strike in NYC: AP

Obama Disses Alternative Energy Source: IMAO
Obama's One Million Electric Car Goal: Three Percent Complete: Breitbart
And now, the ultimate in ... science: Soylent (NSFW)


Disturbing Trends at Fox News: Israpundit
Christian Faith of the Founding Fathers: Elohim Reigns
Mr. Obama: A Competent President: Phaedo's Corner

What Will Become of Dirty Debbie?: Ace
How stupid is Joe Scarborough? This stupid: Riehl
DWS attacks Examiner for ‘deliberately’ misquoting her, but here’s the audio: Exam

Slate's "Conservative" Wiegel: When Conservatives Report What MSM Embargoes, It's "Trolling": Ace
Gawker article takes sympathetic look at pedophiles; outraged readers suggest #GawkersNextArticle: Twitchy
Obamanomics: 173K New Food Stamp Recipients Vs. 96K New Jobs: WZ


You CAN blame Obama for this: US numb to drumbeat of troop deaths: Riehl
Rejecting the European Project: CityJrnl
Muslim guilty of tossing 3-month old daughter off New Jersey bridge to her death: Creeping

Must See… Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel: GWP
Canada: The New World Leader?: RWN
Wave of Attacks Kill at Least 44 in Iraq: ABC

Republican Jewish Coalition's rift ad: Matzav
Interpol, Swedish Authorities Help Saudis Hunt Woman Who Converted From Islam: WZ
The forbidden public toilets of Beijing: BBC


Amazon caves in, will remove ads from Kindle Fire for $15 fee: Ars
FBI to roll out $1 billion public facial recognition system in 2014: Engadget
Enterprise-D restoration fundraiser: your chance to revive a slice of Star Trek is here: Engadget


Cats Don't Like Obama: Cube
Dems Warned Against Certifying Obama Eligible For White House: Western
Post D&C Show – After Party Links: Zilla

Image: Bahraini Clerics Reject Catholic Church Construction, Say It's Forbidden In Arabian Peninsula
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: America's Comeback Team

QOTD: "With respect to Sandra Fluke, I think there’s a [more likely scenario] looming. The paperback edition of my book comes out in a week or so, and you can pretty much get the gist of it from the title: After America. For me, the likely scenario isn’t that the Republicans will be terrorizing rape victims or that the Democrats will finally pass the necessary legislation to make contraception available for the contraceptively starved millions crying out for it, but that America will be sliding off the cliff — literally, as Joe Biden would literally say. And when America slides off the cliff it lands with a much bigger thud than Greece or Iceland. I’m not certain that the Republicans will be able to prevent that happening. But I know that the Democrats can’t. America owes more money than anybody has ever owed anyone in the history of the planet. But millions of Americans don’t see it, and millions of those who do see it don’t see it as a problem." --Mark Steyn


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