Saturday, September 8, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: How Crazy are the Democrats?

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How Crazy are the Democrats?: Power Line
Obama takes us backward in the worst speech of his career: Events
Obama Knew…. He’s Through: GayPatriot

Campaign 2012 in a nutshell: Wrong ideas vs. no ideas: Goldberg
Barack Obama, All In: RWN
Uncanny! Obama Copied Jimmy Carter's 1980 DNC Speech: EIB

If moderate voters see this video, it's over for Obama: LJR
The Terrifying Line in Obama's Speech That Everyone Missed: IBD
Who said to take God and Jerusalem out of Dem Platform?: CDN


Change: Labor force participation rate hits 31-year low: Hot Air
School choice movement rises as Chicago strike deadline looms: DC
A Remedial Lesson in Public Finance Economics for the GOP: Cato

Yes, Virginia - It's a recession: Mish
Unemployment Drops to 5.1 Percent—For Government Workers: CNS
Is the Labor Force Shrinking Due to Boomer Retirement?: PolMath

Scandal Central

Sherrod Brown uses anti-semitic attack against Josh Mandel: Lane
Mafia Hit-Man & Teamster Boss Helped Joe Biden Become U.S. Senator: RS
Long-awaited review of ATF's failed Fast and Furious coming soon: LAT

Climate & Energy

A little reminder on who derailed "the Obama Express ... ": WinterSoldier
God/King Obamandias Vows To Control The Weather: Soylent (NSFW)
Chevy Volt Fleet Sales Rise as Government Purchases Increase: NLPC


You Can Tell If Something Hurts Liberals By Their Shrill Insistence We Not Discuss It: Ace
Michael Moore: No Obama Didn't Save Detroit: NB
Obama’s Invisible Second-Term Agenda: NatlJrnl

What They're Saying About President Obama's Disappointing DNC Speech: Romney
Clint Eastwood: My Speech To The RNC? "Mission Accomplished" Baby: Ace
Dealing With Unfavorable Polls the Chicago Way: MB

Rush Limbaugh: DNC in chaos and there is no speech that can recover from Democrats booing God: Scoop
Clint Eastwood speaks: Obama “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people”: Riehl
“‘Journalists For Obama’ T-Shirts Handed Out At Democrat Convention”: ProWis

Rep. John Lewis Owes the Country an Apology For His Racist Insults at the Godless DNC: GWP
The customer is wrong: Staples founder blasts Obama on economy: Exam
Team Obama suffers serious setback after slamming door on God: NoisyRm


Obama To Soldiers Overseas: No Voting For You!: IBD
God, Jerusalem and American foreign policy: Glick
"I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed": Barack Obama

'Washington Post' to Obama: Be more explicit on Iran: JPost
An officer and a Muslim Zionist: Hayom
Iran says may retaliate for Canada's 'hostile' cut in ties: JPost


DARPA’s Cheetah Robot Hits New Speeds: DefTech
Green House's lantern runs on salt and water, powers your gadgets via USB: Engadget
Hennessey unveils 242 mph Cadillac CTS-V Coupe: Fox


Obama logo: now with Zombie horde!: HillBuzz
Every Rooster Has its Day, or, from Rock Star Rooster to Capon: MOTUS
Ohio teen travels quarter of a mile through storm sewer: AP

Image: Via Dan Riehl
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "With the government on the verge of breaching its debt ceiling, many Republicans soon joined the Democrats in voting for the Budget Control Act that included sequestration. Democrats have wanted to share the blame ever since, even while holding the presidency and ignoring proposals to curb the sequester.

Along comes Mr. Woodward’s account shining light on the pedigree of the whole drama. “No ducking it now,” tweeted Romney campaign defense-policy adviser John Noonan on Thursday. “Devastating defense cuts in sequester designed, forced through by Obama admin. President owns it.”" --WSJ


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