Monday, September 17, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: For Barack Obama, 'Defending Islam' Now Supercedes Our Constitution

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For Barack Obama, 'Defending Islam' Supersedes Constitution: Joshua
The Fatal Racism and Arrogance of Barack and Hillary: JOdysseus
Rice: Benghazi attack was spontaneous; Libya: No, it wasn’t: Hot Air

Who Had the Worst Week in DC? WaPo Says... Romney: Conservatory
Liberal Smear: Romney’s War for the Jews: Commentary
Hijacking the First Amendment: Creeping

The Consequences of Obama’s Bungled Mideast Policy: Barone
You ever wonder about those polls?: LoneCon
Finally–Rep. Allen West Gives Weekly Republican Address: Bruce


Levin rips county judge decision to strike down WI union law: Scoop
Islamists step up pressure for U.S. media curbs, Obama equivocates: DC
Rahm Emanuel to seek injunction forcing teachers to work: ChiBiz

Scandal Central

Another Lutheran Extremist!: RSM
Obama tweets: 47 for Jay-Z and Beyonce; 1 for Libya killings: WZ
This Is What Democrats Mean by Tolerance and Inclusion: IMAO

Climate & Energy

Email From Lead Analyst, Weekly Petroleum Supply Team on Possibility of Recession: Mish


American Pravda: Hawkins
Journalists for Obama: CNN’s Peter Hamby tweets out donations for Obama link: Twitchy
How the Media Lies: trying the same thing as in 2010 to drag Democrats across the finish line: HillBuzz

NBC Ignores Libyan President’s Denial of Anti-Islam Film Blame: State Dept. Scrubs Website: MagNote
How Did Saturday Night Live Portray Obama and Romney Last Night in its Season Premiere?: HillBuzz
Quoted and Linked by a Member of Congress: Winter Soldier

Black Pastors Tell Congregants to Stay Home on Election Day: Dollard
Krauthammer: 6 Times in 20 Years We Have Gone to War on Behalf of Oppressed Muslims: MagNote
AP on 9/10: 'It Will Be a Rare Day' When National Security or Terrorism Will Be 'Center of Attention': NB


Libyan Govt: Attack On U.S. Embassy Was 'Planned — Definitely, It Was Planned by Foreigners': AmPower
Netanyahu: Obama Should Get Tougher with Iran: NewsMax
Ahmadinejad: US leaders realize Israel is ‘no longer beneficial’: Times of Israel

US Refused Even Standard Security at Benghazi Consulate Despite Four Previous Attacks: MB
Say, Why Is The Arab World So Easily Offended?: Cove
The Incredible Muslim Hulk proves to be no friend of Islam either: smh

Acts of War: NoisyRm
Taliban Attack Destroys Six Harrier Jets at 180 Million Dollar Cost: FPM
Afghan insider attack kills 4 U.S. troops: ArmyTimes


Introducing PicaQuote - Content for your Facebook Page or Website: PicaQuote
Re-Envisioned Modern Day Sling Launches Steel Balls Like Nobody’s Business: Gizmodo
US, Russian Space Trio Lands in Kazakhstan: AP


America's Estate Sale For Obama: What Will You Sell?: Cube
Nakoula Arrest Photoshops: Best of the Best: Tatler
This Administration in Automotivators, 2009- Present: Troglopundit

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: - People-based Fact-Checking

QOTD: "Religious liberty was considered so important by our Founders that it was written into the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in a country populated by those fleeing the religious oppression of governments.

We considered religious liberty a bedrock of freedom and democracy and, as stated in our Declaration of Independence, we believed we were endowed with Unalienable rights by our Creator, not by men or governments.

The U.S. in recent years has grown increasingly indifferent to the lack of religious tolerance around the world as it has taken an increasingly violent turn.

Christians in places like Nigeria and Iraq, along with Coptic Christians in Egypt, have been subject to ruthless persecution by those for whom religious tolerance and freedom are a threat...

...Here at home we find a different kind of war on religious liberty, not violent but insidious, conducted by a government intent on imposing its beliefs regarding access to contraceptives and mandating that religious institutions violate their beliefs and consciences in the name of government health care edicts." --Investors Business Daily


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