Enemy of Freedom, Broker of Death: Bad EagleThe second 9/11 illustrates futility of groveling for peace: Exam
Press Corp caught on open mic planning attack on Romney: Ace
Four Americans are killed in Libya after U.S. apology for film: IBD
Obama Got His 3 a.m. Call. He Decided To Sleep Through It.: Ace
Obama apparently supports blasphemy laws: Virtuous
Romney is Right: Exam
Let Bush Be: Hanson
US Embassy In Yemen Stormed. When Do We Apologize?: Hawkins
The Teachers Union Commits Suicide: MorrisTime for School Choice in Chicago: Thomas
Let’s Be Honest: No One Is Closing Tax Loopholes: Harsanyi
The Brass Standard: Sowell
Clinton Myths: Stossel
“A” Is for Agitation: Radical Chicago Teachers on Parade: Malkin
Scandal Central
Ambassador Stevens killed at site with no Marines: PoliticoProbe: Sebelius broke the law by campaigning for Obama reelection: The Hill
Breaking: John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid Criticize President's Mid East Response: Lid
Climate & Energy
Dethrone the EPA: NROChevy Volt ad honored for reaching gay, bisexual, transgendered buyers: Free Press
The Media Says It’s All Romney’s Fault: HayRideMMfA’s chickens come home to roost: They laid an egg when taking on Mark Levin: Riehl
New claim from Obama: 'Apology' in Cairo was effort to cool the situation down: Exam
The American Media Beclowned Themselves Yesterday: RS
Top Top U.S. general asks pastor to pull support for anti-Islam movie due to ‘the violence it could cause’: Exam
Obama again hits Libya attackers, American free speech: DC
Romney And Congress Must Nip The $3.82B Dollars Feeding Egypt’s Brotherhood’s Vile Fruits: Black & RightAllen West demolishes Obama over Libya killing: Matzav
WARNING GRAPHIC: Image Appears To Show U.S. Ambassador After Benghazi Attack: Riehl
The 9/11 attacks on the US embassies were not about a movie: Glick
No, It’s Sharia and the Assault on U.S. Missions: McCarthy
Obama Camp Condemns Mitt Romney Before Our Attackers In Egypt, Libya: Breitbart
Obama Invites Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood President to Meet Next Week; Blows Off Netanyahu: GWP
Israeli Government Accuses Obama of Lying After White House Said PM Did Not Request Meeting: WZ
Eleventh Anniversary of 9-11: Chris Skates
Minnesota woman fined $222,000 for 24 illegal song downloads: SophosiPhone 5: First Impressions Hands-On Review: MarketingLand
Panorama feature not just an iPhone 5 exclusive: Tuaw
The Obama Presidential Library Is Soliciting Submissions: iOTWObama's Theme Song: AngriBanshee
Weird Carter ——> Obama Connections: iOTW
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Fire Sherrod Brown (D-OH): The Most Liberal Member of Congress
QOTD: "Climate change is a hoax, and so is the president's energy policy. China has passed us as the world's largest carbon emitter and builds the equivalent of a coal-fired power plant big enough to power a city the size of San Diego every seven to 10 days.
Yet we have experienced a decade of cooling, so much so that scientists at Britain's Climatic Research Unit created a major scandal by manipulating and editing data to famously "hide the decline" in global temperatures." --Investors Business Daily
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