Eleven Years On: Gates of ViennaSee What I Mean?: Dossier
Campaigns Hold 9/11 Moratorium, Except Nobody Told Obama: JWF
Is America Over?: Kuznicki
Ohio Democrat campaigns against Obama, Pelosi: Breitbart
Examiner: Romney leads by 8 in an unskewed CNN/ORC poll: HySci
So How Do Islamic Radicals Celebrate 9-11?: Wolf Howling
White House disavows apology for Mohammed Film: WZ
Polls Really Show a 4-Point Lead for Romney: VARight
Romney's Tax Plan Defines Presidential Race: IBDDoes this look like an economy that’s moving forward?: Peth
Under Obama, 11,327 Pages of Federal Regulations Added: CNS
Scandal Central
House Hearing Today on Obama's Serial Abuses of Power: Nice DebStill More Corrupt Green Energy Boondogglery: MB
Wasserman Schultz's Luxury Cars and Growing Net Worth: Shark
Climate & Energy
CEI Files FOIA Suit: What Is “Most Transparent Ever” Administration Hiding on a Carbon Tax?: CEISierra Club: Hey, North Jersey, You Really Don’t Need Power: Cove
Brrr: Obama still trying to convince us that global warming is not a hoax: IBD
Ramirez: Media bias toward Obama a national scandal: Hot AirAndrea Shea King investigates Obamas' $35 million Hawaii estate purchase for 2013: HillBuzz
Vanity Fair editor has public orgasm over Obama in athletic wear: NakedDC
Obama Campaign Forced To Respond To Dinesh D’Souza Film: Glob
Too busy to find time to meet with Netanyahu, but has time for the Pimp With the Limp: JWF
AWESOME – Rush: Heavily skewed CNN poll proves that Obama inevitability talk is manufactured: Scoop
EXCLUSIVE: ’2016 Obama’s America’ Filmmaker Reacts To President’s Slam: Deadline
Another Screw-Up at the DNC: Elephant
Levin to Romney: Take your damn boxing gloves off, put your brass knuckles on and FIGHT LIKE HELL!: Scoop
Arab World Celebrates 9/11 by Blaming Attacks on Israel and Jews, New York Times Blames Bush: JWFBut let's keep those borders open: American arrested in Mexico with alleged Hezbollah: Blaze
Muslims celebrated 9/11 attacks: BlackFive
Netanyahu slams US: Those who don’t set red lines for Iran have no right to keep Israel from attacking: Scoop
Obama Has Held More Fundraisers than Intel Briefings Since Campaign Began: Commentary
To Hell With Your Day Of Service. This Is A Day Of Vengeance.: Hawkins
Obama vs. Israel, Yet Again: AmSpec
U.S.-Israel tensions on Iran are boiling over: JTA
In unusual snub, Obama to avoid meeting with Netanyahu: Reuters
gyptian-Iranian intelligence meeting prompts fears of a new Middle East terror axis: Beacon
Obama: ‘I have never been a Muslim’: Times
Better Late Than Never: Looking Spoon
Steve Jobs legacy: he personally brought Siri to Apple, saw that Siri had a contextual future: ScobleizerReporter allegedly goes undercover at 'iPhone 5' factory: Apple Insider
Hype and Hope: Test Driving Google's New Glasses: WSJ
9-11 It’s a Day of Remembrance: MOTUSSick: Pranksters mock Applebee’s 9/11 tribute with vile fake retweets: Twitchy
Ron's Daydream: Denny
Image: Shark Tank: Wasserman Schultz's Luxury Cars and Growing Net Worth Raise Questions
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: America's Comeback Team
QOTD: "A focus on openness and honesty is likely to hurt Mr. Obama far more than Mr. Romney. Mr. Obama remains the mystery candidate with an autobiography full of gaps and even fabrications. For example, to sell his autobiography in 1991, Mr. Obama claimed that he “was born in Kenya.” He lied about never having been a member and candidate of the 1990s Chicago socialist New Party. When Stanley Kurtz produced evidence to establish that he was a member, Mr. Obama’s flacks smeared and dismissed Mr. Kurtz.
Mr. Obama’s 1995 autobiography, “Dreams from My Father,” contains a torrent of inaccuracies and falsehoods about his maternal grandfather, his father, his mother, his parents’ wedding, his stepfather’s father, his high school friend, his girlfriend, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. As Victor Davis Hanson put it, “If a writer will fabricate the details about his own mother’s terminal illness and quest for insurance, then he will probably fudge on anything.”" --Daniel Pipes
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