Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Better Off Now?

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Better Off Now?: Kuznicki
Obama's Self-Adulation: Betsy
Only 31% believe we’re better off than four years ago: Hot Air

The DNC's Big, Bold Lies on Civil Rights: Lord
The tall tales Michelle Obama will bolster tonight: Malkin
Blue Alert: Howling

Democrats Drop God from their Party Platform: Tatler
Michelle Obama vs. Ann Romney Speech Word Clouds: Bruce
The ‘media tends to be quite smitten with the Obamas.’: Hot Air


Obama gives himself an "Incomplete" after four years in office: RCP
20 Economic Reasons Obama Shouldn't Be Reelected: Blaze
Biden: Too hot right now to say why you're better off: Malkin

U.S. Debt Now $136,260 Per Household—Up 50% Under Obama: CNS
Bait and Switch Taxes: Sowell
FLOTUS 2nd-Term Agenda: ‘Impact Nature of Food in Grocery Stores’: CNS

Why America is much worse off that it was four years ago: Peth
Obama’s (Un)American Auto Bailout: Malkin
We should tune in to the Romney and Ryan show: Telegraph

Scandal Central

Public Police Unions Sicking Private Eyes, Cops On Politicians Who Oppose Them: Ace
Despite Crime Wave, 50 Chicago Police Sent to Dem Convention: Jawa
Soros-funded PAC Started Akin Controversy: NoisyRm

Climate & Energy

Democratic Platform Pledges Global Treaty On Global Warming: WZ
The Litany of Democrat Attacks on U.S. Natural Resources: Hastings


What the Media Will Never Tell You About Obama: NoisyRm
DNC Day One: Israel and God Out; Obamacare and Repeating Forward 12 Kajillion Times In: Hawkins
Bart "Einstein" Stupak says HHS Mandate Violates Executive Order and is Illegal: RS

Depression and Political Correspondents: Howling
Illustrated: This Is Honestly How Democrats Are Responding to Paul Ryan: IMAO
Absurd: ABC ‘Fact Checks’ Ryan’s Comparing Obama to Carter: JWF

Crack Hotels of the DNC: Fund
Nicki Minaj raps: I'm voting for Romney: Politico
Demoralized as Hell: Clint Eastwood Edition: DTG

Are the rats leaving a sinking ship?: Bookworm
Ex-New Yorker staffer Jonah Lehrer recycled, fabricated, plagiarized, breached journalistic ethics at Wired: Riehl
The Astorturf Convention: Scared Monkeys


Pro-Israel Language Removed From Democratic Party Platform: Beacon
Joe Kennedy III (D CAND, MA-04 PRI) declares Tel Aviv capital of Israel: RS
Pentagon says ex-SEAL book contains secrets: ArmyTimes

Romney vs. Obama vis-à-vis Israel: Pipes
DNC admits they deleted Jerusalem language to reflect Obama policy: Scoop
Israel accuses Obama administration of sending 'mixed messages' to Iran: Telegraph

PROOF: DNC Chair caught lying AGAIN after being called out by Ambassador of Israel: Scoop
Little Dick Durbin freaks out, refuses to explain why God/Jerusalem removed from platform: Scoop
Jimmy Carter Passes The “Worst President In History” Torch To Barack Obama At The DNC: WZ


F-35B ready for ‘high alpha’ tests: DefTech
ComScore: Android tops 52 percent of US smartphone share, iPhone cracks 33 percent mark: Engadget
BitFloor exchange robbed of US$250,000, all trading halted: ZDNet


Democrats Celebrate Ted Kennedy, Mary Jo Kopechne Unavailable For Comment: Glob
Bedbugs for Obama: Spew
It Is Finally Time To Exit The Oldsmobile: Iowahawk Guest Commentary by Senator Edward M. Kennedy

Image: Sandra Fluke, KSDK
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The Blogger’s Defense Team Auction and Raffle Begins Today

QOTD: "New income data from the Census Bureau reveal what a great job Barack Obama has done for the middle class as President. During his entire tenure in the oval office, median household income has declined by 7.3%.

In January, 2009, the month he entered office, median household income was $54,983. By June, 2012, it had spiraled down to $50,964. That’s a loss of $4,019 per family, the equivalent of losing a little less than one month’s income a year, every year. And on our current course that is only going to get worse not better." --Peter Ferrara


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