Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: About that Ohio poll the left is orgasmic about…

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About that Ohio poll the left is orgasmic about…: DTG
43 Months of Depressing Misery: Blumer
Spreading Fear and Despondency: Tatler

An Economic 'Plan'?: Sowell
What Happens if Obama is Re-elected?: HayRide
Left-Wing "Psy Ops": Liebau

Chicago thuggery personified: Meet CTU's Karen Lewis: Malkin
Obama holds rally in FL, Tea Party breaks out: GWP
Sign o' the day: Chicago teachr dosn't spel good: HySci


Woodward Inadvertently Confirms Coming Economic Apocalypse: Pelerin
Chicago Teachers Strike, Despite 16% Raise: S&L
Two Huge Flaws in the Legend of the Clinton Economy: Foundry

The Truth About the Unemployment Rate in 2 Graphs: AT
Obama Is Winning His War On The Economy: S&L
Happy Deficit Day, America!: RCM

The Democrats' GM Fiction: NRO
The most important issue in the country today: Q&O
Budget deficit tops $1 trillion for fourth time: Times

Scandal Central

'I don't think my church is particularly controversial': RS (Howe)
Harvard law dean cited ‘affirmative action’ in 1993 Elizabeth Warren hiring: DC
What Voter Fraud? Maryland Democrat Quits Amid Revelations That She Voted in Two States: MenRec

Climate & Energy

Pentagon buying Chevy Volts to ‘green up’ military: Beacon


Yep, CNN rigged its own poll: Breitbart
Rush Limbaugh: Media Running Campaign To Dispirit You: RCP
All These Guys Not Only Want Obama to Win, But Think He Could Never Lose: HillBuzz

How the Corrupt Media Deliberately Deceives You With Polling in Order to Help Obama: HillBuzz
Flashback, September 14, 2000: "Why Bush Is Toast": Ace
Politico Calls The Election For Barack Obama: S&L

Sluts on Parade: SlutWalk SF 2012: Zombie (NSFW)
Now Racist: Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches: Ace
Romney Mocks Obama’s Forward Slogan, Says Forewarned is Better: LoneCon


Parents of SEAL Team Six member say unit endangered by Obama administration statements: Fox
U.S. “Cooks the Books” To Show Record No. Of Deportations: JW
Senator Lieberman to Obama: Detail Steps to Stop Iran: WS

Report: Jerusalem Within New Iranian Missile’s Range: Beacon
Poll Shows Obama Getting Lowest Jewish Support Since Carter: Commentary
Euro Zone Will Pay 'Terrible Price': Jim Rogers: CNBC


Nimble Storage gets $40M as IPO approaches: GigaOm
What Really Made Steve Jobs So Angry at Google?: Gizmodo
Army Wants Tiny Suicidal Drone to Kill From 6 Miles Away: Wired


WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Ohio Now Turning To Romney – Polling Data 101: Ulsterman
Battle Royale: In a Mass Knife Fight to the Death Between Every American President Who Would Win?: Ace
11 September 2011: Eleven Years On: Camp o' the Saints

Image: Twitchy
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "Reid began to lay out the two-step $2.7 -trillion debt limit extension, then stopped. He was not a details guy. "Well, let David just tell you what it is," he said.

It was highly unusual for someone to pass the ball so completely to a staffer. The 44-year-old Krone outlined the plan, including a secret Republican pledge to count $1 trillion in savings from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan toward deficit reduction. That was surprising. Earlier, Boehner had not been willing to accept this accounting gimmick.

"I don't trust these guys," the president said dismissively.

Krone either would not or could not conceal his anger.

"Wait a second," Obama said, interrupting someone else who was about to speak. "I can tell David has something else to say."

"Mr. President, I am sorry -- with all due respect -- that we are in this situation that we're in, but we got handed this football on Friday night. And I didn't create this situation. The first thing that baffles me is, from my private-sector experience, the first rule that I've always been taught is to have a Plan B. And it is really disheartening that you, that this White House did not have a Plan B." --Bob Woodward


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