Close The Book Forever on the Failed “progressive” Experiment: CDNObama and Warren stole "build it" theme from Berkeley communist: LI
GOP Trouncing Democrats in FL Voter Registration: Sooper
FEMA and the Administration: Instapundit
Why Was This Man Bowing?: Power Line
The Frank Marshall Davis Story You Haven’t Heard – Until Now: Loudon
Mia Love: Americans want opportunity, not a handout: Bruce
Full Text: Chris Christie's Keynote RNC Speech: Lid
RNC Speech: Artur Davis brings the house down: Scoop
Where’s the landslide? Why 2012 isn’t 1980: PethDems Hide Homeless For Convention – Again: S&L
Socialized Medicine Is Enough To Chase Away British Doctors: IBD
Risky Business: Sowell
GM Shuts Down Chevy Volt Production... Again: Breitbart
Food Stamp Usage up 64%, Cost up 114% in Last Four Years: Mish
Scandal Central
Fast and Furious IG report slams ATF Phoenix personnel: AttkissonJudicial Watch Obtains Stack of ‘Overlooked’ CIA Records on Meetings with bin Laden Filmmakers: JW
Obama to Gulf Coast: I got your back, right after I do this campaign swing: Riehl
OPSEC documentary was right: Loose lips do sink ships: BlackFive
Crapweasel Joshua Scott Albert Advocates for Mitt Romney to be Murdered, and is a fan of Cop Killers: Zilla
Careful MSNBC, Your Racism Is Showing: Jawa
MSNBC abandons GOP convention during every speech by a minority: DCMia Love gives star-making speech at RNC; Left sees ‘GOP token’: Twitchy
The Lamest Defense of Obama Yet: IBD
A Swing State Report on 2016: Instapundit
FANTASTIC: Dennis Miller unloads a few rounds of truth on Jay Leno: Scoop
Powerful New ad hits Obama over vote against protecting babies born alive from botched abortions: Scoop
New Ad Highlights Obama Voters Who Are Now Supporting Romney: MenRec
Outraged Herman Cain Cancels MSNBC Interview After Matthews' Racial Outburst: Breitbart
Hardly Reported: Venezuelan Refinery Disaster May Be Deadliest in World History: Bizzy
Navy Seals To Obama: We Bow To Nobody: WZThe "Pro-Palestinians": Gatestone
SEAL Book Raises Questions About Bin Laden's Death: AP
Barack Obama, Global Has-Been: WSJ
Saudi Arabia: Calls for monitoring of mosques after mosque found manufacturing explosives: JihadWatch
Netanyahu Minion to Obama: Don’t Bother Visiting Israel: Beast
Prehistoric bugs from time of dinosaurs found frozen in amber: FoxHow one man is bringing VoIP, 'Net access where telecoms fear to tread: Ars Technica
Java zero day allegedly spotted in the wild: ZDNet
Pentagon builds chameleon robots: DefTech
Here Comes Passbook: Latest Leak Points To NFC-Equipped Next-Gen iPhone: Crunch
As Microsoft gains, VMware insists that it maintains the upper hand: Ars Technica
FEMA Must Act NOW to Save the RNC Convention!: Cube180mph raider: Getaway driver outpaces police helicopter during 65-mile M6 chase - watch the video: Mirror
Man trying to create bigfoot sighting killed in Montana: Fox
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Mia Love Money Bomb
QOTD: "Hundreds of reporters have come to Tampa with plans to cover something other than the actual Republican convention. Instead, they are here seeking "proof" of their own preconceived partisan prejudices and it is amazing (as I sit here in the lavishly appointed Media Filing Center downtown) to see how the Republican Party has spared no expense in welcoming its most ferocious and dangerous enemies. If you believe what you see in most convention coverage, you will think of Republicans as the Evil Party of Greedy Haters, a frightening conclave of grim and ferocious extremists. Everything the GOP does here in Tampa will be portrayed as insincere, corrupt, scandalous or (best of all) "controversial." When Democrats convene next week in Charlotte, however, everything Obama and his supporters do will be portrayed as warm, wonderful, and honest. The reporters delivering these contrasting depictions of the two parties do not consider themselves as engaged in partisan advocacy. Rather, in the minds of the liberal media, they are simply reporting the objective truth." --Robert Stacy McCain
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