Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Romney wins Florida GOP primary

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GOP Primary

Romney wins Florida GOP primary: RSM
Newt Battles Mush From the Wimps: Lord
GOP Establishment Only Wants Conservatives on Election Day: Rush

The State Of The GOP Horserace Post-Florida: Hawkins
Romney: 87 Down, Only 1,057 to Go: AmSpec
Mitt Romney Wins Florida: AmSpec

No, there isn't a Romney Conspiracy against Allen West: Sunshine
Rick Santorum: Newt Gingrich blew it: Politico
Rep. Allen West Is Conservative Slam Dunk For Veep: IBD


The Inconvenient Constitution: Sen. Mike Lee
Obamacare’s Great Gift: Clarification: Anchoress
Obama: above the fray or above the law?: DC

First, They Came for the Catholics: Malkin
Obama's Racial Politics: Williams
How Presidential Elections Really Get Decided: Ace


Congressional Dems Promise Class Warfare: S&L
Budget Outlook Getting Worse, CBO Report Shows: Foundry
Visualize: the European Superhighway of Debt: ZH

How Obama created 22 million jobs: AT
Occupiers Dump Condoms on Catholic School Girls: Fox
Three Things to Know About the CBO Budget Report: ATR

Planned Parenthood: Komen Stopped $ Because Pro-Lifers Hate Women: LifeNews
Obamanomics Has Gov't Workers Happy, Others Miserable: IBD

Scandal Central

Issa threatens Holder with Contempt Unless He Complies With Subpoena For Documents: Nice Deb
DOJ: No Comment On Whether Eric Stedman Holder Was Told of Fast & Furious Murder on Day It Occurred: Ace
Congress Warns Holder Over Acorn Payola: IBD

Climate & Energy

The Coming of the New Ice Age: End of the Global Warming Era?: Zombie
Bad Dreams In The Night: NoisyRm
Hope, Change, & Lies About Green Energy Jobs: Wolf Howling


For No Reason Except To Punish Cultures He Abhors, Obama Mandates Catholics Pay for Abortions: Ace
Media Act As Though Only Republicans Misbehave: IBD
Barack Schettino Obama: Ace

Wag the Finger: Media’s Selective Memory: Loesch
New York Times: Regulations Good Unless It’s About Abortion: LifeNews
Allen West Defends Forceful Comments to Dems to “Get the Hell Out”; He Fires Back at Bob Beckel: FN Insider

On MSNBC, Politico Punk Refers to Florida Panhandle as ‘Cracker Counties’: BigJ
Chris Matthews Inadvertently Exposes Why Elitists Fear the Tea Party, Support #OWS: AllAm
74% favor eliminating mandatory union dues: Rasmussen


Iran prepared to attack US, intelligence says: Post
U.S. Special Forces Will Be Weakened by Defense Budget Cuts: Foundry
Intel chief: Al Qaeda hurting, Iran 'more willing' to launch attacks in U.S.: Fox

Mossad chief holds secret U.S. meetings on Iran nuclear threat, Senate panel reveals: Haaretz
Nine year old British girls forced to marry under sharia: Creeping
Report Finds Terrorism 'Hot Spots'; and Historical Trends in Terror Types: Blaze

Qaradawi: No Chopping Off of Hands Now…But Later is OK: IPT
U.S. military says Taliban set to retake power: report: Reuters
UK: Doctors rebut claim most favour health reforms: Telegraph


Yahoo's 1,100 patents could pose a problem for Facebook: Insider
Facebook to file for $5 billion IPO Wednesday: report: Townhall
Microsoft: The Web is better without plug-ins: CNet


Leading urban kids on nature hikes: C&S
Peyton Manning likely will never play football again, sources say: LAT
Newt Gingrich Judges You

Image: The Looking Spoon
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President

QOTD: "This is the chief character flaw of the leftist movement -- their inability to respect anyone at all but their own. A very provincial and solipisitically childish way to view the world, of course, which leads to a vicious arrogance in attempting to pound, pound, pound square pegs into the round holes the state has cut for them.

The left would just be wrong, and not dangerous, if it weren't so arrogant about disposing of people's freedom with a single thoughtless line of legislation.

It is that, the arrogance and the profound disrespect of anyone who does not wear the feathers and warpaint of their tribe, that makes them not just wrong but sinister." --Ace


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