GOP Primary

Gingrich challenging the Florida delegate allocation?: RWN
Rasmussen: Santorum Leads Obama by 1 Point: WS
Nevada caucuses: Romney scores easy win: Politico
Newt gets conservative argument on poverty: GayPat
Romney: Obama should apologize to America: Breitbart
The Real Vote-Buying Scandal: TigerHawkScott Walker supporters: write Walker's name in: Althouse
State GOP Establishments Attack Their Base: Blumer
What Does It Take for a Politician to be Excommunicated?: ConCom
Rubio Gives Greatest Pro-Life Speech in a Generation: Ricochet
TSA Agent Caught Stealing $5K from Passenger at JFK: NewAm
Ginsburg to Egypt: Don't use US Constitution as a Model: AmSpec
The Perversion of the Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ: Erickson
Bloomberg tries to ban churches from using schools off-hours: WK
Obama’s failed promises: Nevada edition: RSIt’s Not (Only) the Economy ... and We’re Not Stupid: Kristol
Occupy Oakland–Your Weekend Mugshotspalooza!: Tammy Bruce
Good news: Schools teaching communism superior to capitalism: AllAm
Is this the teacher who handed out Pro Communism Cartoons?: Blaze
Obama Hangs Out with the DC 1% Donors Behind Closed Doors: ScMon
What is Romney's vision and what does it mean?: Howling
Democrat Senate Ignoring 30 Separate Jobs Bills: Breitbart
Juncker Warns Of Greek Default As Europe's Patience Wears Thin: ZH
Scandal Central
Obama can stop Holder's Fast and Furious cover-up today: ExamBoehner mum on Holder as ‘Fast and Furious’ investigation gathers momentum: DC
Attorney General Eric Holder Disgusted by Personal Attacks at Fast and Furious Hearing: ABC
Allen West: Obama's Jerking Us Around With Falsified Unemployment Numbers: Ace
Amid contempt threats, White House gives up more Solyndra docs: Hill
Issa: DOJ Only Passed Along 8% of 80,000 Pages of Documents to Oversight: NoisyRm
Climate & Energy
Canadian Punch In the Kisser: MeadIn support of Dr. Michael Mann and open debate: Watts
Beijing’s South China Sea Gamble: Diplomat
Rasmussen: Obama job approval among uncommitted voters at 20%; Update: Obama 44, Santorum … 45?: Hot AirSurprise: NYT Smears Gingrich: AmSpec
Peter Schweizer Reacts to the STOCK Act Passing in the Senate: C4P
Mark Steyn: the Liberal Enforcers: Ace
The Wrath of the Abortion Movement Unleashed on Komen: AT
Has-Been Leftist Barbra Streisand: 'Barack Obama Has Not Put Anyone on Food Stamps': NB
Massive Anti-Putin Rally in Moscow: VSThe Upcoming Papal Visit to Cuba: Babalu
Russia and China veto resolution on Syria at UN: BBC
As Norwegian as the King: Gates of Vienna
Iranian warships dock at Saudi port: Breitbart
Snuffed Out: JihadWatch
Another Pallywood hoax exposed, again: LI
Russian scientists eye mission to moon this decade: Fox
Protests grip Cairo as pressure mounts for early vote: Reuters
Facebook 'makes it harder for brands to advertise for free': TelegraphHide From Google: Wired
Second Screen Experience for the Super Bowl Commercials: Wired
Controversial Artist Depicts Obama Trampling The Constitution: CBS Las VegasSuper Bowl Video Find: Only Chevy Silverados Survive Apocalypse; Aliens Wowed by Volt Tech: Motor Trend
Ravens’ Matt Birk & Terrell Suggs Honored For Outstanding Achievement: CBS Baltimore
Image: American Digest
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President
QOTD: "In that Obama has rendered no act of contrition or repentance, and is at the moment, at liberty in the land, we do, here and now, separate him from the precious body and blood of Christ, and from the society of all Christians. We exclude him from our Holy Mother Church and all her sacraments, in heaven, or on Earth. We declare him excommunicate and anathema. We cast him into the outer darkness. We judge him damned with the devil and his fallen angels and all the reprobate, to eternal fire and everlasting pain!" --Vanderleun
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