Thursday, February 2, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: After Big Win, Romney Faces Tough Opponents in a Long War

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GOP Primary

After Big Win, Romney Faces Tough Opponents in a Long War: Barone
Is Rick Santorum the logical conservative alternative?: Hot Air
65-to-1: It's not that complicated: RS

Gingrich Challenging Florida Delegate Apportionment: Ace
Apathy will be the legacy of Romney’s carpet bombing: LI
The Un-Obama: Hanson

Santorum Can Beat Romney: AmSpec
Romney's Progressive Pandering Begins: Riehl
Trump to Endorse Gingrich: NatlJrnl


Obama's Enemies List: WSJ
Obama's new plan: homeowner rescue package #4,350: Malkin
Racist GOP Bill to Ban Welfare Bucks at Strip Clubs, Casinos: WZ

Obama to Unveil New Vote-Buying Scheme: JWF
Catholic Backlash Against Obama Grows: NatlJrnl
Confirmed: Lowlife Weiner Used Campaign Cash for Twitter Mess: JWF


Another Obama Record! 4 Straight Years of Trillion-Dollar Deficits!: GWP
Obama Speech Brags About 3 Million New Jobs: NUSA
Federal Deficit For 2012 Closer to $4 Trillion: Rasmussen

Indiana: the Nation’s 23rd Right to Work State: HoosierAcc
Stunner: Walker Recall Petitions NOT Available for Online Review: BigG
Vote for Obama, and he'll pay your mortgage!: WyBlog

Obama Economy – Jobs Created at Welfare Offices: LoneCon
Democrats Love Taxes — They Just Don’t Want to Pay Them: Elder
California To Run Out Of Cash In One Month, Controller Warns: ZH

Scandal Central

Bribery, compromised officials leave indicted financial-crime suspects free from prosecution under Holder’s DOJ: DC
Obama’s top donors: disgraced MF Global CEO Jon Corzine and two Solyndra linked fundraisers: FAM
Family of Murdered Border Agent Brian Terry Files $25 Million Lawsuit Against ATF: GWP

DOJ Stonewalling on Justice Kagan: Power Line
Are Big Media Covering Up Fast and Furious?: AT
A failed ‘Fast and Furious’ whitewash: Post

Climate & Energy

Electric Cars: Doubling Down On Dumb: RCM
Leaf & Volt Sales: January 2012: Bayonet
Gulf Deepwater Drilling Ban’s Hidden Victims: IBD


My Endorsement This Year: Rick Santorum 2012: RS
Big Journalism’s Loesch, CBS’s Attkisson Receive 2012 Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award: BigJ
If Bloggers Aren’t Journalists, Neither Are Many Members of the MSM: BigJ

Sound Advice For 'Anybody But Mitt' Republicans: HyScience
Obama shows contempt for judicial process: Sonoran News
Gallup state numbers predict huge Obama loss: Exam

Meet Politico’s ‘Crackers’: FL Panhandle Home to Many Military Bases: Riehl
Ezra "Mr. Constitution" Klein Offers Up Another Laughable Lie (Idiot Faux Journalists Hardest Hit): Peth
MSNBC Carefully Avoids The Dreaded "I" Word: Jawa

Obama's Been Skipping the White House Press Corps for Network and Social Media Softballs: NB
Coulter Jumps Shark… Praises Romneycare After Trashing It in October: GWP
The dhimmedia's whitewashing of honor killing: Geller


DHS Report Compares Terrorism To “Ordinary Crime,” Omits Islamists: JW
Iranian Websites Publish Threats against U.S. Targets in Gulf: MEMRI
Obama Could Lose Peace Prize: Nobel Committee Faces Inquiry Over Selection Criteria: VS

Taliban Release Graphic Video Showing Its Fighters Executing 15 Government Troops: WZ
Muslim Genocide on Black Africans: Creeping
Chavez Threatens Banks and Land Owners Refusing His Orders: NewAm


Android Users Are More Likely To Have Sex On The First Date: Insider
Student cell phones confiscated in school's probe of drug selling: Trib
Copyright: To the Batmobile!: Wired


Liberal Logic, Illustrated: AllAm
JayMo and Mustang Sally: You Guys Just Bu-Rock My World!: MOTUS
20+ years of the lights coming on across the land: Sondrakisan

Image: Candy Hearts for Liberals
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President

QOTD: "Let's never forget: Millions of Americans who work hard and play by the rules every day deserve a government and a financial system that do the same. It's time to apply the same rules from top to bottom. No bailouts, no handouts, and no copouts."--President Obama, State of the Union Address, Jan. 24

"On the day I took office, . . . the American auto industry was on the verge of collapse. And some politicians were willing to let it just die. We said no. We believe in the workers of this state."--Obama, remarks to students in Ann Arbor, Mich., Jan. 27 (via James Taranto)


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