Thursday, March 26, 2009

Life Insurance

What is Life Insurance and a Life Insurance Company? Can a Life Insurance Company Help Me?

Find out below:

Life Insurance is insurance for you and your family's peace of mind. Life insurance is a policy that people buy from a life insurance company, which can be the basis of protection and financial stability after one's death. Its function is to help beneficiaries financially after the owner of the policy dies.
It can also be a form of savings in the long run if you purchase a plan, which offers the option of contributing regularly.

Additionally, a little known function of life insurance is that it can be tied in with a person's pension plan. A person can make contributions to a pension that is funded by a life insurance company. These are considered private pension arrangements.
In addition, you should also make a list of what you feel needs to be protected in your family's way of life. With a life insurance policy in place, you can:

  • provide security for your family
  • protect your home mortgage
  • take care of your estate planning needs
  • look at other retirement savings/income vehicles

Did you know that a life insurance policy can:

Provide cash and income needs on and immediately following death such as unpaid bills and taxes and other obligations.
Prevent a family's suddenly dropping from its accustomed standard of living after the death of the breadwinner.

  • Provide continuous flow of funds for the living spouse.
  • Allocate income funds for the children's education.
  • Provide a retirement income throughout old age.
  • Provide a reliable savings plan for the future.
  • Supplement income when earning power is destroyed by illness of accidents, such as covering medical expenses.
  • Furnish surplus earnings for the investors should disaster strike.
The bottom line is this: While Life Insurance is not always the insurance product at the forefront of your thoughts, Life insurance is always a friend in time of need.
Life Insurance Wiz: Select the type of insurance quotes you're interested in and fill in the insurance quotes form. It takes less time than one phone call to an agent! Within seconds, you'll know the companies who have the best rates based on your profile.


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